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Malihini meltdowns

I think people see in other people either what they fear is within themselves, or what they wish to see in others.
lol I only had time to check one thread today. I think I made the right choice.

Personally, I find the whole resident pecking order thing to be exceedingly boorish and immature in it's self-importance. That being said, I think it appropriate for newcomers to make an effort to tune in and adapt to their new cultural surroundings, to some degree.
" The ones that are the worst are those that no longer see anything beautiful here at all anymore."

The only ones I have ever come across are right here on Punaweb.
Originally posted by kimo wires

I have been witness to many a 'malihini meltdown'

Its usually preceded by some kind of encounter with polynesian paralysis.

As the kids say - Laughing Out Loud! Thanks Kimo, that's a bingo!
Happy Thanksgiving punawebbers and you too Pahoated. I have been coming to the islands since 1974. There are times I wish I had never stepped foot on because nothing else ever satisfied. I used to cry every time I left. Now I cry every time get there for being given one more opportunity to vibrate in tune with my planet.
I thought "malihini" was based on how many posts you've made. :-)

I think it's a measure of integration into the community. If you don't participate in anything outside your family, you'll probably be a malihini forever. I'll take a Haole Russian on the rocks, with Kama'aina Crudite'

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Just thought I'd chime in to say I can't go there. Too racist, too segregationist, kinda like the TMT protesters and the sovereignty people.
No troll, PT, it was a genuine question about the meaning of the phrase since you use it so often and inconsistently, so wanted to get a better handle on the meaning. However, Pog's first response was just the best! I think someone needs to invent a malihini meltdown cocktail. It's a perfect name.

Only last year Pam and I managed to get a new drink on an Astoria, OR, bar's cocktail list - the Tai Tai. I asked for a Mai Tai and the drink I got was nothing like a Mai Tai, but it was damn good, so the name and recipe was invented (named after the barman).

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, thanks for your responses!
Maybe this JOJ Haole doesn't even qualify as a Malahini yet.
Good for some comic relief though.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
I will submit the first recipe:

Malihini Meltdown

1 chilled pint glass or larger
5 ice cubes
2 shot rum
two parts real ginger ale (something that actually tastes like ginger not Sprite or 7-UP), 1 part mineral water, finish with a splash of orange juice or limeade on top

not too sweet, fresh and refreshing when you need to cool the heck down and enjoy life

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