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Hijacked thread about global warming theories
Yeah, despite the detour dakine seems to be taking there, given the choice going forward I think we might manage to keep people out of the cargo holds of ships and in the seats of passenger jets. The toilet paper can take the slow boat.

Sad and disturbing that some folks may actually still buy the ridiculous denial of climate change windplr parrots on the previous page. ...despite the increasingly overwhelming scientific consensus.
Terracore ... Don't you mean Skyjacked ?

when i have an infection i get feverish and the virus dies
It's come full circle back to this:
Originally posted by PunaMauka2

Sad and disturbing that some folks may actually still buy the ridiculous denial of climate change windplr parrots on the previous page. ...despite the increasingly overwhelming scientific consensus.

Climate change theory is not settled, despite what Obama, the pope, and other politicians tell you. Could CO2 potentially contribute to warming of the planet? Yes of course, but other things, like water vapor in the form of clouds, and the ocean, are much stronger influences on climate, possibly overwhelming any influence of CO2 (as if CO2 is a bad thing). But the main issue I have is that there is no way to accurately model climate change, let alone any potential human effect. We do not have the technology to do so. Nor do we have any consensus on what the historical data means in the context of human influence on climate. Even the IPCC says this. What we have left is emotion and conjecture, and that is not the same thing as provable science. So go ahead and call me a nut case, but I challenge you to actually demand the scientific "proof" that global warmists claim supports their theories as opposed to just going along with the whole charade.
"So go ahead and call me a nut case,..."

Others can draw their own conclusion on that one.

Now, back to those fascinatingly good online shopping deals on TP.
demand the scientific "proof" that global warmists claim supports their theories as opposed to just going along with the whole charade.

Everything went downhill when humans stopped believing the earth was flat. If, you know, there can be a downhill on a flat surface.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Apologies for continuing the hijacking, but when someone asks for scientific proof, whether it's in quotation marks or not, you know that person doesn't know anything about science or the scientific method. Proof is for law courts and mathematicians, not science.
So "prove it" Tom ... LOL

apologies to Rob.

Happy New Year !
The earth has had many warming and cooling periods in the past. It will continue to have them. The question is how did man cause those past global warming trends?

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