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Looking for Live-In Baseyard Manager
Doesn't this belong in the FNC section anyway ?
who cares - lock it up
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

Punatic007 The ad wasn't seeking your recommendation. Not your business... someone else's business. Stay out of other people's business.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

Bottom line Rob, I helped her get clear on what she needed. This isn't the first time you have inappropriately picked on me. IF you know who I am in the real world and have an issue with me, then write me an email or call me about your problem. I've been in Puna for decades with a sterling reputation and I have never abused a poster on this/your site, not my M.O. Geez.
Again (and again), why I rarely post unless it's something I know I won't get attacked for.

The number of bad attitudes on here, many of them long time members, is really depressing. I've noticed that most of the people whom I really admired and loved reading their posts have disappeared.

Now it's as if people are just waiting for certain members to post so they can respond with their nasty, know it all, better than you answers.
I've been finding myself thinking of just shutting the site down more often these years.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I'm amazed that you haven't.
I first read the OP.
Then, I read the first 4 or 5 responses.
At first, I had a negative response to the OP, but decided to keep my mouth shut.
Then, after reading the next few replies, I began to sympathize with her.
I decided to move on to something more interesting.

I came back through again tonight.
Seeing the large number of posts on this thread, I thought Uh-Oh and decided to take a look.
I couldn't help but cackling over the HUGE number of moderator deleted posts.

My general feeling about most of what goes on here has been validated again.
Every time I brows through PW, I go away with the feeling that I've been visiting with a very inbred Appalachian clan.

Don't give up on it Rob.
This place is as entertaining as a Tarantino film.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
I remember something similar to this when a classified ad was criticized. Perhaps this posting could have been moved to classifieds and therefore been made immune to critique.
My apologies, Yurtgirl, if my joke hurt your feelings. Sometimes my sense of humor gets the best of me. My intent was to bring mirth to the conversation, not anger. I grew up on the mean streets of academia:

No matter how many times it was stressed that we were criticizing the words, not the writer... criticism still stings.

I visited your website at and it looks like you are doing wonderful things. Godspeed and good luck.
bunch of thin skinned cry babies out here in Puna. soft and sensitive...

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