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Pointless thread
Good summery & analysis of the TMT controversy in the Dec 2015 issue of Farmers and Friends:

The dark matter investigator and the dark side of the Hawai‘i Supreme Court
A Harvard physicist celebrates the joy of new knowledge
The Hawai‘i Supreme Court prolongs an argument.
What course shall we choose?

Here's an excerpt from page 16 & 17:

Following the Supreme Court ruling, Governor David Ige reiterated his support for the TMT project. He said that state agencies were reviewing the ruling to figure out what part of the process should change.
“And then we are waiting for guidance from the Circuit Court,” he added, “because they need to, I guess, interpret what the Supreme Court said, and we will make the changes we need to in the process and move forward.”
Despite its good intent, that statement does not inspire confidence.

Bill Walter, vice president of the Hawai‘i Island Chamber of Commerce, wrote: “What we see is a system that has become so complex that even government itself cannot give us a clear route to decisions based on merit. A decision based on process where government has defined the process and it has been followed — and then rejected by government, can only be seen as a failure of governance.”

"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
The protectors response:

"From Kealoha Pisciotta
I just heard the Mr. Ige's (Governor) speech on the radio where he affirms "his" commitment to the TMT. It made me feel kind of sad (for Him) in that the take away from 2015 for him was to capitulate to Corporate greed. So sad ...really Auwe!!!
What I do know is as our beloved 'Ohana Wa'a sail around the world delivering a message of Aloha (that is not greed) their spirits remain high and joyous in their Aloha--I say All will make their choices including Mr. Ige and so will will the people of Hawai'i --that is Aloha and goodness for all-like to invite u, Mr. Ige to catch the Aloha wave -and this Vidoe from the Pirate King and his crew dedicate to u--we invite u to stand in Aloha and to stand for the 'Aina and People--we are ready are u?!!!!"

Ige told a crowd of lawmakers, officials and citizens that he’s committed to pursuing the Thirty Meter Telescope project even though the state Supreme Court invalidated the permit.
Capitulate to Corporate greed? The rhetoric.

That Kealoha Pisciotta seems to have stubbornly retreated to a world of her own fancy.
I am grateful for Kealoha and all the others that have taken a stand for their beliefs. If anyone among us represents true honest sincere Americans it is people like her. Those that must say disparaging things about her, rather than allow her the time and space to work out her concerns, bring shame to us all.
The TMT lawyers should have filed an appeal with BLNR at this point or notified of intent to start the building permit process over.

Exactly. Again:

"Lead, follow, get out of the way, or do that other thing they have in Hawaii."
"I am grateful for Kealoha and all the others that have taken a stand for their beliefs. If anyone among us represents true honest sincere Americans it is people like her. Those that must say disparaging things about her, rather than allow her the time and space to work out her concerns, bring shame to us all."

Having been a colleague of her for a year while she was working at the summit as a telescope operator, I can tell you that your description is somewhat far-fetched. I've not come across anyone who disrespected the summit region more or those she worked with. But I'm hardly doing anything to stop allowing her time and space to work out her concerns.

Still, I'm curious why she chose to work at Borders if she has a problem with corporate greed.

BTW, still waiting for a response to my earlier questions.

This is why space telescopes, while nice, won't be replacing ground telescopes any time soon.
And imagine if the rocket launch goes wrong...

I think many don't realize the shortcomings of the JWST. It will provide data that astronomers have wanted for decades, but the risks and expense is huge, and it is not a simple upgrade of the Hubble.

The JWST is mainly an infrared telescope, the HST is not. Once the JWST is placed in "orbit", it will not be possible for astronauts to fix problems as was done with the HST. It also has a relatively short lifespan, a decade at most. During that time it will make some tremendous discoveries but that will be it. Once it runs out fuel the whole thing will warm up and it becomes useless.

Personally, I'm following the story of MIRI, one of JWST's four instruments. Gillian Wright, the project scientist, was the person I replaced at UKIRT many years ago (she lived here for a decade). Alistair Glasse, the instrument scientist, is a close friend who spent a lot of time here on the Big Island commissioning Michelle at UKIRT. My fingers are crossed for both of them.
I received a from State of Hawaii Judiciary public affairs regarding the TMT CDUP lawsuit status. "Regarding your first question, the court is scheduling a status conference with the parties to discuss the form of the order and next steps." The date and time for the status conference is TBA.
Having been a colleague of her for a year while she was working at the summit as a telescope operator, I can tell you that your description is somewhat far-fetched...

One person's personal judgment of another has nothing to do with that person's right to seek solutions to their concerns. To imply as much suggests a lack of understanding of the American legal system and the rights afford all US citizens by our constitution. And civil disobedience is one of those rights. Those rights are not exclusive to one or another group but held by all.

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