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Pointless thread
Unfortunately we do not have a referendum process here.

County residents got LLEP on the ballot, then voted for its passage. County and State then used "semantics" to decide that the law wasn't enforceable. Civil disobedience?
Well, the thread started out about Ige saying the TMT getting back on track, I just hope the thread gets back on track. From the TMT to marijuana. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Let's not overlook the civil disobedience by the TMT developers in not following the required due process. The difference between them and their opponents is that their opponents prevailed. Back on track. Hahahahaha
From the TMT to marijuana.

I've heard that smoking weed at altitude gets you higher, and sometimes you see stars.
kalakoa - touche
Space based telescopes
Civil disobedience

The list goes on.

Whenever the TMT is brought up, it's detractors go off in all directions, ready to discuss almost anything except the TMT. Let's go back to this comment by Kealoha Pisciotta:

It made me feel kind of sad (for Him) in that the take away from 2015 for him was to capitulate to Corporate greed. So sad ...really Auwe!!!

Really? Capitulate to Corporate greed? I wonder which corporate gas company Kealoha uses when she fills up the tank of her car to drive to anti-TMT protests? Or what about when she goes grocery shopping? How many items in her cart are manufactured by corporations, who's greed she supports daily by purchasing their products for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

And then, she lumps the TMT in with all corporations, as if all corporations are the same, almost like those who believe all people of one religion or race are just the same.

Let's take it a step farther:
In 2010 the Supreme Court sided with Citizens United, a decision allowing unlimited corporate and union spending on political issues. This led Mitt Romney to say "Corporations are people, my friend."

If, as Mr. Romney said corporations are people, when Kealoha Pisciotta states corporations are greedy, isn't she really stereotyping? Claiming, and treating all members of that one class of "people" the same?

The irony in all of this hodgepodge of name calling and tangential thinking is that the target of the protesters ire, is the TMT. The conception of one "person" (corporate or otherwise) with clear focus and great clarity. A 30 meter lens, 1/3 the size of a football field, with better vision than human eyes, connected to computers that can organize the information relayed to them faster than a human brain in a way that sentences penned by the protesters can only hope to manage for a moment or two at best. If the anti-TMT comments on this thread are any indication, even that isn't often the case.

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." -Annie Dillard
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
civil disobedience by the TMT developers in not following the required due process

They followed the process they were given; nor does this matter, as the Court can overturn any decision. Had the contested case process been followed, the protectors would have pressed on with their religious objections, probably while picking at the environmental impact issues, or finding a different procedural technicality to exploit.

she lumps the TMT in with all corporations, as if all corporations are the same, almost like those who believe all people of one religion or race are just the same

Don't forget government! Obviously all government is as evil and corrupt as whichever worst example you can find this week, all while colluding with those awful corporations. Advancing knowledge through science is just a whitewash. With lead-based paint.
Seemingly in response to Obie's post on page one of this tread in which he quotes (without reference but seemingly from Facebook) a brief statement made by Kealoha Pisciotta about Ige's State of the State address HOTPE says:

Really? Capitulate to Corporate greed? I wonder which corporate gas company Kealoha uses when she fills up the tank of her car to drive to anti-TMT protests?

And I have to wonder is this just one of those grab some statement and make inflammatory remarks sort of things? After all in going back to Kealoha's original statement, as seen here:

and quoted by Obie on page one of this thread, there's nothing that lumps all the things HOTPE suggests into one blanket statement by Kealoha. In fact I see it as her specifically saying Ige is a corporate puppet and has acted as such in 2015. But hey is that a surprise? Is Ige anything other than a corporate puppet? What's the big deal HOTPE? Do you see Ige as something else? Is Kealoha wrong?

As to the TMT, Ige has done zip, nothing, but muddled the whole thing up. No leadership, no guidance, zip. Words. Actually I take that back, he screwed stuff up by allowing DLNR to put into place unlawful rules and arrest people based on them that were eventually overturned by the courts and all the arrests made based on them thrown out. In other words he's proven himself to be nothing more than a corporate puppet, and a pretty lame one at that. Which, in essence, is what Kealoha said.

ETA: More on Ige. The man is 100% a show piece, ineffectual. Look at the Dengue Fever outbreak. He's done nothing! Again WTF!?! To have the CDC state that we're unprepared to deal with it or any other outbreak is a shame, embarrassment, especially after all these months. Ige has done nothing! As such, what about what Kealoha has said is wrong?

As far as the initial gist of this thread, TMT getting back on track, yeah right. It's not. Either the TMT folks need to reapply for a permit, and if so where's the application? Or, if their application is still valid and all that's been nullified is the Contested Case Hearing, how come DLNR has not scheduled another hearing? TMT is dead in the water, floundering, nowhere near back on track just because our illustrious "leader" says something about wishing it was.
Originally posted by snorkle

Let's not overlook the civil disobedience by the TMT developers in not following the required due process. The difference between them and their opponents is that their opponents prevailed. Back on track. Hahahahaha

You are correct here. The developers did not completely follow the protocol, although it's possible the State was at fault for not enforcing it and it had to be brought to the courts by a third party to enforce the procedures that were supposed to be followed. Here's hoping they do it the right way this time around.

Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,

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