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Court remands TMT sublease
Tink - just to be clear, the effect of lava or magma on satellites has nothing to do with magnetism, it's simply that mass is being redistributed. It's a minute change in the earth's gravitational field, but it can be felt by satellites in low earth orbit.

really Tom. Wow.

"So all the astronomy professionals pushing for the TMT, spending more than a billion dollars on it just don't know what they are talking about but us armchair astronomers on Punaweb do? Whoodathunkit? Me, I would have been embarrassed to voice such an opinion. Shows how little I know."

One of the main hopes for the TMT is that it is operational during the same time the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is making observations. It's one of the main reasons the TMT board has given a deadline to the state in order to know if the project can proceed (there are others, but scientifically, this is a very high priority). There has always been a synergy between space and ground-based telescopes. In many cases the space-based telescope discovers something interesting but doesn't have the instruments to do a thorough follow-up, so ground-based telescopes take over. In some cases it's the other way round, but usually it's the former. Without that ability for ground-based follow-up, the JWST won't fulfill its full potential.

The JWST will have a limited lifetime in space, about a decade, so it's not something that can be put off until later.

Just thought you'd be interested in that.

In the meantime, there's some weird guy in Pahoa telling the entire professional astronomy community how they've got it all wrong while blatantly making stuff up. You'd think that if you want to bluff a bunch of people with astronomy-related gibberish and gobbledygook, the last group you'd choose is professional and experienced astrophysicists.
Well Tom,

I can see more with two toilet paper tubes vs. one paper towel one.

proof word

Well, I guess that's the equivalent of me trying to speak pidgin! But I've never liked that show, for some reason I never found it that funny, but I know a lot of people do.

I prefer some of the older shows.
Agreed ... just wanted a stupid handshake to rep and 'peace out' my proven theory ...

Darn! Thought I would have to add a vessel of "gravity fluid" to my parts shelf right next to my jar of Lucas wire harness replacement smoke
Edit to add pic
Community begins with Aloha
No shop complete without one of these either.

Thought the following story would interest those who were intrigued about Kilauea lava flows or magma movement below the volcano affecting orbits of satellites. The technique of using variations in mass and the effect it has on orbiting spacecraft is currently being used to help understand Mars' geological structure:

(the link is to a recent NPR article).
"TMT board visting Canary Islands. Mt. Tielde is over 12,000 feet, almost zero light pollution, very good equator location. TMT board says they still have hopes for Mauna Kea."

I'm not convinced that a latitude of nearly 30 degrees north qualifies as a "very good equator location".

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