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Billy Kenoi indicted today of theft
What would happen to me if I ran around charging goodies with someone else's credit card?

I thought they were going to let him get away with this. I'm surprised too.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Rob Tucker is right about Billy being taken care of by the Honolulu crowd regardless of how this turns out. A big pile of that $100 million in debt he racked up went to make some favored contractors and unions happy. They will make sure that he doesn't starve.

Frankly, I'm sort of surprised that he even got indicted. That is at least progress of a sort.
He'll probably get off with a slap on the wrist from the law but he'll have to live with the embarrassment from now on.
He's a politician; he doesn't know what embarrassment is.

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He worked hard to be involved in crooked politics. His mafia ties go way back and overseas.
I'd never heard of "false swearing" until today and had to look it up.
Proof that politicians suck. Just another reason why we need Trump as our Fuhrer.
Properly handled Billy will remain in office to the conclusion of the term.

At least this saves the cost of a special election.
Originally posted by PunaMauka2

Proof that politicians suck. Just another reason why we need Trump as our Fuhrer.

At least Trump doesn’t have to steal money - he's got his own. [Big Grin]
Trump doesn't have to steal money

More accurately, Trump's activities aren't recognized as "theft".

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