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Billy Kenoi indicted today of theft
Originally posted by shockwave rider

I know some people are chortling with glee over this, but I just find the whole thing very sad. Here was a person who had pursued education far from his Kalapana roots without forgetting where he came from, someone who could have been held up as a role model for local kids, only to be undone by personal weakness and petty pilfering of public funds. Billy will probably lose his law license, either as part of his sentence, or as part of a plea bargain, his wife and family have to live with the shame in a small community, and a once promising political career is over. No way he is going to hold public office again, and who would ever hire him now?

Question: should we care? And does having "Kalapana" roots some how justify wrongdoing? I am seriously mystified by your rationale
Yes, I am gloating at the announcement. This bully is the last of a long line of " yakuza styled" sponsored Mayors whose time really has come to pass. We deserve better!

Originally posted by Rob Tucker

Properly handled Billy will remain in office to the conclusion of the term. Any lawyer can delay that far. That way his pension likely would not be compromised.
After leaving office, my guess is, he will plead to a lesser charge of some kind... and avoid getting on the stand under oath.

It is too bad that he appears to have lived up to my expectations. It would have been better for Puna and the island if I had been wrong about him. Of course he is still presumed innocent such as that is.

The bigger disappointment to me is that $100+ million of debt and not a nickel for economic development and none of Puna's road issues solved... even given the opportunity to solve them.

and yes, he will remained seated until the last possible moment; the man has no dignity whatsoever,or respect at the very least, for the fools that put him in office.

I'd forgive all his p-card silliness if he would OK Costco, Lowes and Sams to build on this side.

Reality? Karma's a bitch! The guy did open up a lot of parks for the people, but how do you pay for a park if you shut out big business and jobs? Where does tax money come from to pay for the upkeep? Lets open the doors for some real business leadership on this side. Maybe we'll have enough money to pay for a decent police force?
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

he will plead to a lesser charge of some kind... and avoid getting on the stand under oath.

How is he gonna do that? He's already Admitted Guilt and said he was sorry. They are gonna have a field day with him and hang him out to dry. My guess is, he will spend some time in prison over this.

It's an indictment, not a conviction, so the PW lynch mob can put down their pitchforks and torches for awhile, pick up their meth pipes again. The next news will be about the trial. That takes months to schedule. The trial itself may go on for weeks or months, considering it is the State Attorney General (AG) filing charges.

One thing to remember is this is the same AG that defended the State permit for TMT. There are defining characteristics showing up with Ige and his AG. It will be more entertaining to see this AG make his case. You know a lesser charge is on the table. Come on, this is a place where a murderer is let go because eye witnesses take the 5th and they aren't charged. Try to think about poor Uncle Billy.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Tell the crook to resign

is the last of a long line of...

the last eh?
Having moved here barely a year ago from Detroit, all I can do is laugh.
What this guy is being charged with doesn't even hold a candle to what our King Kwame was alleged, and it took YEARS to investigate and wrap all that up.
Seeing as how slow things are here on island time, I expect to see this put to bed some time next century.
how do you pay for a park if you shut out big business and jobs?

Raise taxes until people are forced to live in the park.

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