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Court remands TMT sublease
Why no mention of the many opposing or oppressed conerned Hawaiian communities

What about the oppressed scientists, unable to advance their studies of the universe?

What about the oppressed retired people, who now gets to pay more taxes due to a lack of local jobs and industry?

It looks like ground based telescopes may still have some life in them. Let's hope the TMT can get back on track soon.

Space based telescope update:
The most recent launch of a space based telescope looks like it may have ended in disaster:
Last month, Japan launched a satellite it described as “essential” to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. It was a full-scale X-ray observatory. This weekend, that $273 million satellite mysteriously disappeared, leaving behind only an ominous trail of debris and some cryptic messages.

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." -Annie Dillard
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
"Why no mention of the many opposing or oppressed conerned Hawaiian communities"

Because they didn't exist back then. It's only when construction was about to start and somebody said the word "billion" that they realized they were being oppressed.
In 2009, the cost of the TMT was estimated at roughly $1 billion to $1.4 billion. Current estimate is still about $1.4 billion. Bear in mind this is not a cost to Hawaii and in fact much of that money will come into the state. In effect, it is free money for employment and education in Hawaii. And yet some complain that it's not enough and want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
In other news, the astronomy community on the Big Island continue to contribute to education - "IMI-Possible: Mapping the Night Time Sky with Keiki Explorers":

"It looks like ground based telescopes may still have some life in them. Let's hope the TMT can get back on track soon."

A malahini meltdown in orbit? Who da thunk it?
"I am reminded of a great quote of Eleanor Roosevelt's that seems so apropos here..."

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."

Dakine also wrote:

"Yes PM2 please check your reality, I suspect you've stroked yourself so much you're running dry. At least the tone of your posts these days suggest ever Five Finger Mary must be having a hard time pleasing you."

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

In February, TMT International Observatory Chairman Henry Yang announced alternative sites would be sought in case the project is unable to renew its land use permit for Mauna Kea by the end of this year or early next year.

Meanwhile DLNR is staying pretty quiet...
I was wondering about this the other day. While the protestors were an effective vocal minority, they were, in the end, a minority. This being a presidential election, there will be increased turnout at the polls. While catering to the vocal minority helps when there is no election on the horizon, it would not surprise me one bit if all of the politicians start checking which way the wind blows on this issue. While many people, particularly conflicted Native Hawaiians, were unwilling to speak out against the protestors, they could silently speak out against the protestors in November by electing council members, state senators, etc. that are Pro-TMT.

And, to some extent, politicians would have an easy out for changing their positions post-election, something along the lines of "I've seen how the people have spoken on this issue, and I won't go against that popular opinion."

Of course, perhaps I'm just out of touch on what the actual public opinion is. My guess is that it is probably on the order of 70-30 on the island, and much more than that outside of Puna and Ka'u. But that's just my wild guess.
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present
perhaps I'm just out of touch on what the actual public opinion is

Exactly -- media reports on the loudest voices, investigating actual opinions is too much work.

Maybe there's still time to get (at least some of) the TMT issues onto the ballot -- although in practice, I'm sure someone would find a way to nitpick the procedural issues right back into court.

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