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Court remands TMT sublease
dakine wrote:

"I doubt the TMT is going to sue anyone for anything. Just because they are up to their eyeballs in the permitting process does not guarantee them anything until the fat lady sings, and as we see with the TMT she ain't taken the stage yet.

Consider the Superferry. They went through almost the same dysfunctional approval process, complete with the whole breaking of the rules and challenges in court as well as all the social pushback and they lost a gazillion dollars in the process. But did they sue? Was there any compensation for their lost investments? No. So what would be different this time?

Why am I not surprised dakine won't answer specific questions? He's deflected things as much as possible, "wannabe astronomers", "telescope administrators", yet cannot answer a very basic question about a site in India he thinks

"[...]a good location with a lot of attributes."

What are the attributes and why is it a good location for the TMT? Try and keep it short and scientifically accurate. Thanks.
Still waiting.
Originally posted by dakine

No. So what would be different this time?

How about UH and Hilo Community College are planning on raising per credit fee? I'm sure now that TMT isn't pumping in millions of dollars into the school system, it's going to have an impact on college students. No biggie tho, they can afford it right?

Careful what you wish for I suppose.
Mahalo for all the updates.

Judge Amano is one solid wahine. No nonsense, very educated, reasonable, and takes no guff. Frankly, surprised she took the assignment.

We shall see how this matter progresses. BLNR/DLNR still has a few issues to resolve.

HOTPE wrote:

"The Joint Space Operations Center, using a series of ground based telescopes including one in Hawaii (Maui), have determined the space based JAXA Hitomi X-ray observatory has broken into five pieces. Unfortunately as it is in outer space, a repair crew cannot drive to the location to fix the problem as they would on earth:"

Latest info I have is that several pieces have been detected in decaying orbits, some of which will soon burn up in the atmosphere. Initially only a few pieces were detected but now more have been seen.

My guess is a catastrophic event in the observatory's cryogenics which caused a small explosion, but that's not known yet. As you say, there's little chance of sending engineers and technicians to fix the problem. It only takes two hours to send people up from sea-level to the summit to fix problems, the same can't be said for space-based observatories.
I'm not sure you're supposed to be cutting and pasting whole articles from other websites...
I'm not sure you're supposed to be cutting and pasting whole articles from other websites...

Right -- news that affects our lives is a product, and the profits must be protected.

A couple of questions dakine:

To be sure, Native Hawaiian protestors objected to a process that granted a building permit...

1) How many construction projects on this island would you estimate follow zoning, building, and other regulations 100% to the letter of the law?
2) Do you think any of the protestors live in homes that may have been built without every required permit, and are 100% to code?

Lest any telescope supporter point the finger of blame at Native Hawaiian opponents...

What if the protestors didn't object to the TMT permitting process, despite some i's not dotted and t's not crossed? Do you think the TMT would now be under construction?

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." -Annie Dillard
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Plenty of free news right here on Punaweb.
You think newspapers should be handed out for nothing?
You think newspapers should be handed out for nothing?

Most are... seems to work...

How many construction projects on this island would you estimate follow zoning, building, and other regulations 100% to the letter of the law?

Good point -- but also somewhat irrelevant given that permits can be revoked.

What if the protestors didn't object to the TMT permitting process, despite some i's not dotted and t's not crossed? Do you think the TMT would now be under construction?

TMT would merely be subject to different delays from another attack.

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