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Court remands TMT sublease
original overthrow and subsequent relegation to second class citizen in a foreign occupied country

No, the Hawaiians can totally get on the waiting list to lease land for a fully permitted house with grid power and County water. Gee, I wonder why they're so upset?

Seriously, they've had a couple hundred years to address these issues -- if they didn't complain, it's on them; if we didn't listen ... it's on us.

Maybe what we need is some consultants from HART? Nothing is stopping that project...
Only a small faction of Native Hawaiians are anti-progress, the same ones that smear feces on Visitor Center bathroom walls, put rocks on public roads and threaten children on Facebook.

Then we have the haoles, like you, who come over here and then tell others to "shut up and go back where they came from". You first, buddy.
Only a small faction of Native Hawaiians are anti-progress

As with any political faction, the small ones tend to be really really loud...
FYI: (*Update - More at link - BBM)

HONOLULU — Opponents of the Thirty Meter Telescope and the nonprofit company that wants to build it on Mauna Kea agree on something: It’s time for a new hearings officer to oversee proceedings for the project’s construction permit.

TMT International Observatory filed a request Thursday asking to replace retired Big Island Judge Riki May Amano with an alternate hearings officer.

Those who oppose the TMT, including protesters who say it will desecrate land held sacred to Native Hawaiians, have been calling for Amano’s removal. Among their objections is her paid membership to Imiloa Astronomy Center, which they say is a conflict of interest.

The state Board of Land and Natural Resources affirmed her selection as hearings officer, saying that the membership simply allows her family to view exhibits and displays that focus on astronomy, Mauna Kea and Hawaiian culture. Amano said she wouldn’t renew the family membership, which was set to expire earlier this week.

The board was meeting Friday, but it wasn’t clear when members would discuss the replacement requests and make a decision.

Permit applicant University of Hawaii’s Hilo campus also wants to replace Amano. The university takes issue with Amano also mediating a matter involving its Manoa campus.

Amano couldn’t immediately be reached for comment Friday. In a letter to the land board, she explained that the dispute she’s mediating involves the funding of a faculty position to manage the W.M. Keck Research Laboratory in Astrochemistry at the Manoa campus. It’s unrelated to the telescope case, she said, and won’t affect her impartiality as contested case hearings officer.

The university and the telescope company don’t agree with the opponents’ reasons for replacing Amano. The university said in its request this week it was doing so reluctantly and believes she is “eminently qualified.”

Replacing her is the “only option to ensure that this contentious issue and any alleged appearance of impropriety is resolved,” the TMT filing states. “This will also minimize any further delay caused by Judge Amano’s selection as hearings officer.”

The UH seems to be concerned with Amano's postion in the case before her as mediator, as it involves the W.M. Keck Research Lab. Unfortunately, it may present the opportunity for further scrutiny.

The UH, under the direction of the State, and BLNR/DLNR, better start realizing that the "status quo" is not the norm today. Not to beat the same drum, however, thank you Supreme Court Justices, in this matter.

A very good, well known defense attorney (originally from Chicago) once stated to me (in a discussion about a big case that was being tried here in Hilo), "... I can work the law to my client's benefit, at will. The key is knowing the law, and it's flaws. It's a wonderful country, isn't it?" (With a grin on his face I will never forget.)

Shameful. All of it.


P.S. Please know, the feces smearing in the bathroom of the Visitor's Center was NOT part of the "protestors/protectors" group. The responsible jerk was from Kona, ka po'e homeless haole (sorry, not meant to be racial, just factual). Please do not continue stating assumptions, especially when it is not fact. Tired of hearing accusations that are erroneous and downright false. And, yes, I do correct those "protectors/protestors" (in my reach) when they make statements that are equally erroneous.
the feces smearing in the bathroom of the Visitor's Center was NOT part of the "protestors/protectors" group. The responsible jerk was from Kona, ka po'e homeless haole

I hope you're having a good Memorial Day weekend. I wanted to ask, I didn't think any individual had been arrested for the incident above, so do you have more information about who it was? I'm just curious how a homeless person from Kona would manage to get up to the Mauna Kea visitor center, and to what end? Did you hear if he claimed to have a reason for going to such an out of the way place? I tried to find out more by searching "Mauna Kea visitor center feces" but the only results I could find reported the event occurred, but with no mention anyone was ever identified or apprehended.

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.”
-Joseph Brodsky
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

the feces smearing in the bathroom of the Visitor's Center was NOT part of the "protestors/protectors" group. The responsible jerk was from Kona, ka po'e homeless haole

I hope you're having a good Memorial Day weekend. I wanted to ask, I didn't think any individual had been arrested for the incident above, so do you have more information about who it was? I'm just curious how a homeless person from Kona would manage to get up to the Mauna Kea visitor center, and to what end? Did you hear if he claimed to have a reason for going to such an out of the way place? I tried to find out more by searching "Mauna Kea visitor center feces" but the only results I could find reported the event occurred, but with no mention anyone was ever identified or apprehended.

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.”
-Joseph Brodsky

Aloha ahiahi, HOTPE. Being that my Daddy was in the 442nd, we honor our heroes, Sir. Hope you are enjoying the holiday/reflection of sacrifice day. I'm working like a slave for the kids to enjoy, and frankly, would much rather read, and watch "Housewives of _______" and some mindless TV! At the very least, I got some fresh fish to fry in bacon fat until crispy! [:p][Smile]

As to your questions, keep in mind, my husband (bless his soul) was a police officer for 24 years in this town. One of the lead DLNR guys is my first cousin; two of my nephews are DLNR officers (assigned to the Mauna Kea scene from day one...). Very little escapes my purview, given the situation (ohana is on both sides; not a comfortable position).

For example you ask, how did he "...manage to get up to Mauna Kea", etc., is really a silly question. Quite easily, given the amount of people going up to Mauna Kea at the time (I was there, too). I saw many, many people who were "out of their present mind" who were not part of the "protectors/protestors" in any way, shape or form. In this instance, you are correct; no one was arrested, no one was apprehended, etc.

I will say, the "perp" allegedly went back to Idaho, with a one way ticket (his ohana needs to take care of this being; he is disturbed! He did some things prior to the "feces" crap, that were crazed, to say the least...). These kinds of situations don't always end up on the internet, nor in public records. Just saying, again, in my opinion.

With due respect.

Thanks opihikao, I appreciate your filling in the blanks.
I do understand how a homeless person could manage to get to the visitor center, that was a poor choice of words, because it's as easy as hitching a ride. I suppose once he got himself into a car or truck he just went along for the ride. And if he wasn't thinking clearly it probably wasn't important where he ended up. The whole episode didn't make any sense, because... by your description the guy wasn't making sense to himself or anyone around him.

“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them.”
-Joseph Brodsky
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I agree that too much was made of that one incident but there was a generally anti-social atmosphere fostered by the protesters. Stuff like that often pops up under such conditions. Was it the general consensus among the protesters to block the road and endanger peoples' lives or was that the decision of a relatively few people who got carried away by emotion?

So was this one guy responsible for all of these incidents? Or was there perhaps an atmosphere cultivated there that encouraged people to pull these stunts.
Just My two cents of jiberish.

If our state really wanted to please its majority of residents and avoid these types of future protesting atmospheres like the one that occurred atop Maunakea. Then They will need to figure out a way to cut the head off of the prospering poisonous snake. It should be a state priority to restructure or tear down the walls to all the KAM schools within Hawaii in hopes of creating a fair and even educational system for all Hawaii keiki. The racism or corruption within these hawaiian islands stinks from top to bottom because of these very profiting racism breeding grounds. Also Projects like the TMT's should not continue to encourage or condone this type of racial segregation by feeding them millions.


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