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Racing on the Red Road
I thought excessively noisy exaust was illegal?

Perhaps during the yearly safety check, when the inspector photographs the rear of the car/truck with his iPad to show the vehicle does not have oversized tires (problem solved), they could also record a short audio clip while the driver revs the engine. The state could commission a dB app (at a cost of $1,000,000) to determine whether the noise level is acceptable for the vehicle to pass.

Oscar Wilde's Last Words: "Either this wallpaper goes, or I do."
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
state could commission a dB app

Because the iPad has a network link, the audio samples could all be shipped to Oahu for analysis. Of course, this would mean an extra six-week delay getting safety...
You mean all the broken bottles out on the lava aren't from tourists? Or is it a novel way to malama ka aina?
"That stretch of red road thats been used for late night racing use to have a local speed limit of 50 or 55 mph. Some residents like myself regularly use to reach 60mph on that stretch daily. After several tons of unwanted black top was paved over red red came The unwanted current use of this 30 mph tourist speed trap. If the racing was truly a problem(which its not) then the addition of several more of those famous kapoho speed bumps could be an option of deterrent,jmo."

It's logic like this that makes me fear for the future of the human race.
makes me fear for the future of the human race

I think as a race, Tom, we're going to be all right. Earlier gypsy said there's a real good one on that same stretch of Red Road after 1 AM. He called it late night racing, but I think humans are involved in some degree.

Oscar Wilde's Last Words: "Either this wallpaper goes, or I do."
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by gypsy69

That stretch of red road thats been used for late night racing use to have a local speed limit of 50 or 55 mph. Some residents like myself regularly use to reach 60mph on that stretch daily. After several tons of unwanted black top was paved over red red came The unwanted current use of this 30 mph tourist speed trap. If the racing was truly a problem(which its not) then the addition of several more of those famous kapoho speed bumps could be an option of deterrent,jmo.

There are already speed bumps on that road. They are called "bicyclists".
The Recently raised Speed limit from 30 mph to 45 mph between Secrets and Vacationland has been a welcomed sight of late. MAHALO.

A few other things may need some attention or improvements around poihiki. For example, Hurricane Iselle washed out the bottom or ocean Road between poihiki and Trees leaving pieces of asphalt everywhere. This portion of the road has not been repaired but it does continue to erode back into our ocean and pollute the pristine beach environment. If the road is not going to be fixed or replaced, could it be removed to the landfill or someplace asphalt is kept or collected?

Hurricane Iselle also washed out the ocean road in vacationland leaving an unpleasant mess along that portion of the coastline. That portion of the Road should probably be repaired before we have some tourist break an ankle or leg trying to walk in or out,jmo.

Also Not sure why The Local portion of vacationland "Fisherman's wharf" has not been reclaimed for residential beach access since the storm. Why has the Tourists along the ocean in vacationland been able to place large boulders, rocks, and wooden sawhorses along the road to discourage local or residential parking and fishing at Fisherman's Wharf?
Someone "possibly tourists" also removed the Two Fisherman wharf signs that were there for decades. Could those signs be replaced, and can local residents like myself still take our families fishing in this area, or is that fisherman wharf area part of the marine fish sanctuary now?

P.S. Why has the public access trail next to Harry Kim's "right side" been barricaded or blocked with no parking signs added everywhere?
We have been parking there and walking in that way before going right towards secrets decades before that newest house was built next to that public trail. If we want to visit this portion of the coastline with our keiki are we locals to park outside the subdivision and walk in Too?

PaulW, I have paid all sorts of taxes in Hawaii my whole life. I was raised and lived many years in poihiki, vacationland, and kapoho. I helped plant all those coconut trees along the road and voiced my support for county water down there decades ago. Now my keiki would like to enjoy or learn about the ocean and thier island environment. Unfortunately It has become increasingly difficult to visit or experience this portion of the "Vacationland,kapooho" coastline jmo.
When in doubt, blame the tourists. They're paying your tax for you.
If the road is not going to be fixed or replaced, could it be removed to the landfill or someplace asphalt is kept or collected?

Funny how this keeps happening: the obvious solutions are "fix it" or "clean it up", so what does County do? NOTHING
lmao @ Red Road being a 'tourist speed trap', There isn't a cop within 10 miles of that location 90% of the time...

A few tourists a day drive on that specific stretch of Red Road, few as in maybe 2-3

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