This Recent article helps explain the seriousness of our increased homeless population.
Would it be safe to claim Hawaii has the highest rate of homelessness per capita in the nation, as stated in this article?
Maybe the big island rate of homelessness is the highest in the state?
Maybe "Puna's" homelessness is the highest on the big island, which is the highest in the state, which is the highest in the nation? That could be a big problem that could bring on other problems, like the domino effect.
Puna also suffers from a very high "meth or drug problem", possibly the meth capital of the state or nation.
Puna also suffers from being one of the poorest and undereducated districts in our state and entire nation.
Disturbing or concerning that On another PW thread, Someone else from our community died recently from yet another confrontation with our Police. Some say Suicide by police, WTF is that?
Much of our community may be in need of proper life helping rehabilitation and or educational options rather than forced executions by the hands of our local police. Jmo.
Wonder how many of these recent fatal police shootouts involve someone on EBT, Meth, or are part of our homelessness?
Do our many county and state police officers really need new $30,000 Guns, When our county or state can't seem to provide enough rehabilitation options, shelter, or basic needs for those they are killing?
Should those individuals who find themselves in this rising life or death created situation just shoot first then answer or ask questions later?
With upgraded cameras, satellites, and ways to get or serve warrants today, maybe our county, state, and police should look into other non-violent ways to catch up to these dangerous people within our community. WE here in Puna or on the big island are only living in a new age version of "Alcatraz" in the middle of the pacific ocean. Most of these community members being shot to death by police are probably currently on our states EBT program, possibly with a prior arrest record that would make it extremely difficult to leave the Island in today's Terrorist age. jmo
For example here. Cameras could be able to locate a car and its license plate at an intersection or on a highway. Then a satellite could follow the vehicle to his or her place of residence. This would provide time to get warrants if needed and or make plans for the catching of this or more dangerous suspects. At their place of residence, Rather than our crowded McDonald's, Walmart, or PPark Intersection. By catching these suspects in a different light "way" it may save their lives and the lives of the innocent who could get caught in police shootouts occasionally. A positive In return is when one gets caught at home then the police civil forfeiture program seizes everything. Like how the police sneak up on " rather than Confront in public" Community MMJ growers. The added funds to this civil forfeiture program could from this new method of apprehension may help pay for some of these homelessness resources needed in our community today. jmo
Sorry if I jumped from one topic to another too many times for some here. I find them all to be related in my new and improved Puna environment. A little sarcasm being used here because Puna was a rural, quiet, and mostly unpopulated district until the mostly Asian bought up Oahu's and Maui's limited real estate, for investment purposes" over and over" the past few decades. Puna's Homelessness, drug addictions, educational differences, and it's poverty crises should or could be linked to these type of state made investment opportunities made available only for the foreigner's. jmo