TMT is designed, among other things, to find another planet that is as habitable as Earth.
We are a single technological breakthrough away from interstellar travel.
For the 'dollars and cents' crowd out there, what is another Earth worth?
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"Are you really like that in real life? If so I bet your neighbors hate you. You're wife, kids, whatever are embarrassed by you. Your parents ashamed of you!"
Another classic from dakine. Shouldn't be long till he complains about the level of discourse again on Punaweb.
That is a stunning electricity bill, I'd like to see confirmation of that. Even so, I doubt the TMT's will be 5 million, just another made up number from gypsy.
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"Let alone having spent enough time in the islands to understand the dynamics"
How long would that be? Let me guess: anything slightly less than when you moved here from the mainland.
Not sure for $$ imagtek, many here are already in they own world.
I hear ya Dakine. EZ to notice how they posts always come in sets with PaulK mostly just lending a hand to TomW.
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I don't know what the electricity costs of the TMT will be, but comparisons with the Keck observatory are almost certainly invalid. The Keck has two domes and telescopes, the TMT will have one although it will be larger. The TMT will have a smaller surface area to volume ratio compared to the Keck domes plus bigger and more massive equipment that will have a much longer thermal cycle time. I don't see how anyone can predict those costs at this time.
How do you make the reach from "I don't know" to "almost certainly invalid" TomK?
ETA. That makes no sense.
The rest is just speculated gobbly gook.
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quote: Originally posted by opihikao
Well, you are entitled to your opinion, Eric1600. Perception is still part of the problem here. The statement, "not really business locations" is an honorable intent to "poo-poo" the disclosure. I have dealt with many lawyers, and not once have any of our lawyers had other "businesses" as their address. Ever. Additionally, it's not PUEO's address, it's an established non-profit entity that Warfield has been part of for years, right? (Rhetoric, no need answer; it's fact)
Secondly, Ms. Kehoi's statement is not "denial"; it is showing respect to the opponent, which is quite Hawaiian in nature. If you read Mr. Ha's response, he (and PUEO) has/have aloha for her.
Now, what IS disturbing is the continued spin on facts. The documents NOT delivered by the AG to Wurderman is what delayed that particular part of the hearing, thus, it continues on Friday. Amano's reaction to this (on the video) was priceless. The AG's lawyer was professionally (by Amano) taken to task. She wiped that smug smirk right off his face.
I understand your vast knowledge of scientific evidence with regard to the telescopes, and your support of TMT. However, there are two sides to this issue, and it is my belief you do not understand the cultural aspect, nor the intent (ie. "denial" statement) of positions taken by the opposing parties ("protestors/protectors").
Again, if this process was done properly in the first place, TMT and all of us (at our taxpaying expense) would not be going through this excruciating exercise. Talk about disturbing!
At the very least, Judge Amano is the perfect person to handle this, and has done so very well so far. I trust her sound judgement will allow for fairness, and restore some credibility to the permitting process.
Well, have you ever started a non-profit or filed for a formation of a business before you have a mailing address or an office space? This is very common. I've seen 10 year old companies that still haven't updated their public applications with their current addresses. A lot of that stuff gets forgotten because no one really cares to update it. We don't know what the Judge thinks of it either, but we'll have to wait until people start to testify. My experience is the addresses on the creation documents are rarely updated.
Many businesses incorporate their company in states where they don't even have any business for enhanced legal protections (for example California has strong IP protection laws) or other state policies that might be beneficial in the long run.
The only ethical issues about using the same law firm is if the same lawyer is representing both people in conflicting cases. Otherwise lawyers are ethically expected to represent the interests of their clients. I don't see any "appearance" of a problem. Perhaps they both shop at Costco too? Gasp! PUEO's using a different legal firm entirely. There's really zero connection there.
As to your other point, don't you think this process has already divided the community severely? There has been death threats and bullying. I've seen protesters hurl profanities at people they disagree with. To say something like "I won't let this divide us" is either denial or naive. Perhaps she's just trying to use it in a personal sense, but obviously this process is going to divide people. It did seem odd to me that she had no problems praying on the mountain for them, even though there are roads and telescopes there. Yet she says PUEO can't prove injury.
If you choose to think I don't understand any of the cultural issues because you think the community is perfectly whole and happy that's your opinion too.
I do agree that Judge Amano is the perfect person to handle this situation. However the protesters disagree.
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[quote]Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge
Thank you knieft.
...sometimes there's a (wo)man ... I won't say a hero, 'cause, what's a hero? But sometimes, there's a (wo)man. And I'm talkin' about Judge Amano here. Sometimes, there's a (wo)man, well, (s)he's the (wo)man for his her time and place.
"I guess that's the way the whole durned human comedy keeps perpetuatin' itself."