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Don't make this mistake!
09.07.16 or 09.14.16 ? LOL ,,, We on you nagging lol again ...

did you get ANY opinion yet ??? OMG, its been a few weeks now.

Please describe what you feeling now if you have time .... I know its gonna be tight, still same position of pain ? What is your range ? Any weird pops and quirky feelings ? RU feeling tight on back (centered ) of the knee ?

aloha, AP

I haven't heard anything since he sent me in for x-rays, other than a lady called me from Kaiser to set up a date and time foe the phone call from him.

Certainly there's tightness. When I'm seated with the leg elevated there is little or no pain. In fact I have not taken the Aleve for a few days. Oddly, there is some pain and tightness from the right calf, when walking with the cane. Kind of like getting a charlie horse, only not as painful.

The worst part is, I still can't raise my right leg up, when seated.

I can bend the right leg at the knee when seated somewhat. But, can't raise the lower leg so the foot is off the ground, floor, couch, whatever.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
If you going be shooting at dogs probably good way to waste your flat head wadcutter pellets.

All I know is high heels give me plantar's fascitis. That's my self diagnosis anyway. And the way compensate limping from the sharp pain led to knee pain. So good thing I going be on Medicare next month!

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