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TMT - Contested Case Hearing Status - Hilo
I suggest everyone interested in this topic take the time to watch some of the hearing videos. They are all on the website So far there are 15 of them. The 2 on Nov. 2nd are for Chad Babayan. This is the first witness that actually finished testimony in 1 day. Partly due to the new 30 minute time limits and partly because they respected Chad enough not to badger him. The other 2 witnesses, while interesting to watch were mostly just questioned over and over trying to find ways to form logic traps for them.
I watched one of the videos of Chad Babayan. The lady cross examining him seemed to be going very slowly. She literally spelled things out often in addition to just saying them. It reeked of intentionally wasting time to me.

At one point she asked whether a navigational training site (apparently has some stones set up around it) could still be used if it was buldozed. He said yes more than once. She seemed incredulous and asked him to explain. He basically said that if a navigator can navigate across the open ocean, what does he need stones for?
The lady cross examining him seemed to be going very slowly. She literally spelled things out often in addition to just saying

Yes, I didn't understand her approach. Did she respect him? Was her approach passive aggressive? On the one hand she stated she required only yes or no responses from him to save the limited amount of time available for cross examination, but then seemed to take as long as possible to ask her questions.

What was that all about?

I saw the tracks immediately - they swirled back & forth across the shuffled sand of the path. They seemed the design of indecision, but I am not sure. Mary Oliver
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I managed to watch a little of the hearing on Wednesday. I was more interested in the cross-examination of Bob Mclaren who I know and respect but did catch a little of the questions asked of Babayan. The part when he was asked about breast cancer and abortion rates just turned me straight off.

And another bit I did see - does anyone know what a celestial portal is? How do you answer a question like that?
I think it is important for everyone to see what is really going on in this court case.

A lot of it is show, but I don't think they realize that they are not making legal points. Their goal was to demonstrate Chad either didn't understand the importance of Hawaiian land marks, their history or have proper respect for them.

Around 136.0 in Nov. 2nd part 1 he starts a long line of questions that the cultural awakening and bring a "Standing Rock" type situation to Hawaii.

Around 144.0 the same examiner asks his last question asked something like, "Do you agree that if the TMT if built could finally locate a treaty of annexation that legally and lawfully gives the United States authority in Hawai'i?" When asked to repeat the question by Amano, he says something like, "I'm done" (in hawaiian, I think) and then the crowd erupts. Amano dismisses the question, tells the witness to ignore it and chastises the spectators.

So I'm pretty sure, they think that they are winning and there's going to be a rude awakening at the end of all this, which of course will be "biased" and appealed.
I think it's BS.
This is tragic and depressing.
The Kingdom isn't coming back.
Yes, what happened in 1893 was wrong,
but at the time, if not the US, then probably some other Power (UK,France e.g.) undoubtedly was planning to do so.
In 1959 Hawaii Territory citizens
voted to join the US.
The US is unlikely to allow an independent
Hawaiian nation /state.
I don't think a secession convention would be possible.
We went through that from 1860-1865 didn't go well for those 11 States.
And the US would most likely not pay reparations or base rent in any case.
Don't know what planet the "protectors" are on.
Then too, Standing Rock is a rather different set of serious issues, and not a self-destructive theatre of the absurd.

The Kingdom isn't coming back.

Perhaps more accurately, the Kingdom won't be restored to its previous power, although there's still room for a bit of glory.

As of Wednesday, only four of the 85 witnesses in the contested case, that started Oct. 20, have been called.

Roughly 2 witnesses/week, so about 40 more weeks, which takes us to late August/early September 2017 (depending on holidays), leaving 6 months for the appeals to be concluded before the April 2018 groundbreaking.

The first contested case involved about a half-dozen parties and lasted seven days throughout two months. A written decision took more than a year later to reach.

Unless the State can't move that fast, which is probably what the "protectors" are counting on.
It seems that opposition to the TMT is waning.
Doesn't have the appeal and draw that it had during the narcissistic protests.

Anyone have guess as to which way it will end?
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
If Judge Amano can continue to tighten up on the obviously inappropriate stalling, it could still happen. Having said that, my totally amateur odds making would put the chances of it being built here as less than 50%. I can't escape the feeling that no matter how well the current judge handles it, the state will find a way to screw up. They always do.

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