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TMT - Contested Case Hearing Status - Hilo
Big business, corporate, greed dominating the world having created a system by which the environmental health of the entire planet is threatened

By this argument, it's acceptable for people to die of old age while waiting for their DHHL land, because that prevents additional development which might threaten the environmental health of the planet.

People of the Earth ... standing up saying enough is enough.

Will the "protectors" follow TMT to the Canary Islands, then?
Will the "protectors" follow TMT to the Canary Islands, then?

I'll gladly chip in for a one way ticket.

I saw the tracks immediately - they swirled back & forth across the shuffled sand of the path. They seemed the design of indecision, but I am not sure. Mary Oliver
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
It makes perfect sense to me, ... it is virtually impossible for a tried and true big box consumer to grok.

I don't think the division of who thinks what is as clear as you've described. My electric use (according to Hawai'i Energy) is as low as those in my neighborhood who have solar panels. I drive cars until it's no longer worth repairing them. I only occasionally buy big box, unless you count KTA. I consider myself an environmentalist. And yet, what makes perfect sense to you, does not to me.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
happily live in houses with cess pools

Injecting crap directly into the mountain is not desecration, right?
It's ridiculous they accuse a zero-discharge facility of polluting the aquifer but I bet all of them happily live in houses with cess pools that are 13,000 feet closer to the aquifer.
That would be a fabulous question to ask each of the protestors, on the stand...
a fabulous question to ask each of the protestors, on the stand...

What about asking TMT opponents on Punaweb? Many have repeated the Protectors claim that the TMT will adversely affect Mauna Kea's watershed.

TMT opponents - what type of waste system does your home use? Cesspool? Septic? Municipal sewage?

Compared to TMT's zero discharge, how many gallons do you estimate your household drains yearly into the aquifer?

I saw the tracks immediately - they swirled back & forth across the shuffled sand of the path. They seemed the design of indecision, but I am not sure. Mary Oliver
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Projects like the TMT's may also be bringing over 1 million visitors a year who may also need to use their bathrooms or cause other environment damages like excess dust in sensitive areas of the mountain and upper atmosphere. A few of The other large telescopes atop Mauna Kea have already been known to spill or mishandle Mercury and sewage which makes Clean Water concerns warranted.

Who's turn is it to compromise?

Projects like the TMT's may also be bringing over 1 million visitors a year who may also need to use their bathrooms

As opposed to the volcano and other tourist attractions, which bring no visitors and/or create no waste?

cause other environment damages

News flash: we live on an island which imports over 90% of everything all the time, including oil for HELCO generators and gas for our cars -- we create massive environmental impact just by living here.
The topic of this thread is about extreme irrationality on the part of a minor subset of Native Hawaiians. I believe I have already said so but if not I will say it now: The silence of the majority of reasonable Native Hawaiians well integrated with reality is deafening. All the good things that Native Hawaiians do just don't come up often in this thread.

You seem to want to have your cake and to eat it too.
nobody seems to have anything positive to say about the Hawaiian community

You may wish to go back and read posts on Punaweb from a month ago, or a year ago before you issue such a blanket condemnation. Again, to repeat a comment I made earlier, the Hawaiian community is almost equally divided on the TMT issue. There's not a singular Hawaiian value system or even one Hawaiian belief system for any of us to judge, for or against.

I saw the tracks immediately - they swirled back & forth across the shuffled sand of the path. They seemed the design of indecision, but I am not sure. Mary Oliver
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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