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TMT - Contested Case Hearing Status - Hilo
No... do tell!
I know some ceremonies were performed there, usually for an equinox or solstice every couple of years. Those were done at Pu‘u Poliahu and near the summit peak also.
Aren't those Native Americans that have those ceremonies up there and not Hawaiians?
More PUEO members testified yesterday. Richard Ha, Elroy Osorio, and Bill Brown gave their testimony in favor of TMT. See Feb. 21 on
Latest vods:

TMT Hearing Coverage February 21, 2017 (Part 1)
TMT Hearing Coverage February 16, 2017 (Part 2)
TMT Hearing Coverage February 16, 2017 (Part 1)
TMT Hearing Coverage February 15, 2017 (Part 2)
TMT Hearing Coverage February 15, 2017 (Part 1)

Originally posted by TomK

Thanks, quasar, I might be interested in getting a copy of a script if you write one (and you don't mind letting me have a copy). What scripting language would it be?

The issue is you need to throw in all these headers into the page requests. I have put together a kludgy bash script that pulls down the last 20 items in the TMT playlist to /tmp/current_videos. I am running linux, it should work on Macs, you need to have curl to run the script.


curl '' -H 'Origin:' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch, br' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/55.0.2883.87 Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Referer:' -H 'Connect-Preshared-Key: e85fc8dbf6be4f22327da329cbd0de56d868b118028519eb14b4a68853ff845b64e6befdfd9138c2b51cc43d477baaaae3902a5a181c0f07f07c5a775a34a63b' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --compressed | grep -Eo '"id":[0-9]{6}'|cut -c 6- > /tmp/vid_ids

rm /tmp/vid_items

for i in `cat /tmp/vid_ids|head -n 20`
curl "$i.json?player_access_key=v8ChcAR1AGw0J53eFhPiLqbUul6KHLI2" -H 'Origin:' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch, br' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/55.0.2883.87 Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Referer:' -H 'Connect-Preshared-Key: e85fc8dbf6be4f22327da329cbd0de56d868b118028519eb14b4a68853ff845b64e6befdfd9138c2b51cc43d477baaaae3902a5a181c0f07f07c5a775a34a63b' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' --compressed >> /tmp/vid_items;

rm /tmp/vid_titles
grep -Eo '"title":"[^"]+' /tmp/vid_items > /tmp/vid_titles

rm /tmp/vid_files
grep -Eo '{128}' /tmp/vid_items > /tmp/vid_files

paste /tmp/vid_titles /tmp/vid_files |cut -c 10- > /tmp/current_videos

Fantastic, thank you, quasar! I got it to run straight away on a Centos Linux system. I might try to see if I can get it to run on Cygwin so can use it on my laptop.
Originally posted by PaulW

No... do tell!

On February 11, 2011 OCCL received a petition signed by E. Kalani Flores on behalf of Mo`inanea (Exhibit 2). The petition stated that Mo`inanea was a nature spirit and guardian of Lake Waiau, who presently resides on the summit of Mauna a Wakea. The petition noted that she had never been consulted regarding the TMT or other projects on the mountain. She wishes “her expressed concerns be disclosed.”

On May 3, 2011 KAHEA filed a Pre Hearing Brief on behalf of all the petitioners. In regards to Mo`oinanea, KAHEA noted that there is no evidence that the applicants carried out consultations with either ancestral akua or spirits, whether directly or “indirectly through individuals with the ability to connect with them.” The petition stated that the Flores-Case ‘Ohana intended to serve as intermediaries with the ancestral akua and spirits, and to provide testimony on their behalf, as they were “cultural practitioners with direct ancestral connections to Mo’oinanea.”

KAHEA further argued that HAR § 13-1-2 define “petitioner” as the person on whose behalf a petition is made, and that the rules further define “person” as “appropriate individuals ... of any Board of Land and CDUP HA-3568 Natural Resources character other than agencies.” They conclude that Mo’oinanea should have standing as an individual.

At the Hearing on Standing Mr. Flores presented a General Affidavit stating that Mo’oinanea had authorized members of the Flores-Case ‘Ohana ... to serve in the capacity as her Agents to have full power and authority to act on her behalf(Exhibit 3).

Mr. Flores presented the following arguments in oral testimony on behalf of granting standing to Mo’oinanea:
  • Mo’oinanea resides on the summit and does have property interest in the land; and that the actions proposed will directly and immediately affect her
  • That the term “person” expands beyond just human beings, that HAR § 13-1-2 defines “persons” as “appropriate individuals,” and that according to Webster’s dictionary one of the definitions of individual “is a particular being or thing as distinguished from a
    class, species, or collection.”
  • That Mo’oinanea is not truly a spirit; this is simply the closest English word to describe what she is. She is a mo ‘o wahine, which is a wahine (female, woman) and mo ‘o (reptile, dragon, serpent), and that Mo’oinanea has human blood in her that “establishes her humanality and physicality” (sic). She can transform into full human,
    but she’s at a different vibration so some cannot hear or see her.

Mr. Flores stated that, if the Board granted standing to Mo’oinanea but did not allow Mr. Flores to act as her representative, Mo’oinanea could either represent herself with the assistance of a cultural interpreter, or that they could seek professional counsel to represent her in order to be in accordance with Hawai’ i Administrative Rules. The sections of the transcript of the Hearing dealing with the issue of standing for Mo’oinanea are attached as Exhibit 4.
On May 9, 2011 Counsel for the Applicant filed a Reply Brief on the Issue of Standing. Counsel objected to granting Mo’oinanea standing based on the following arguments:
  • The Hawai’i Supreme Court has ruled that a plain English reading can be applied to the definition of “person” under the Hawaiian Administrative Procedures Act. A plain English reading here makes it clear that a spirit does not qualify. Webster’s Dictionary
    defines “person” as a “human being, individual,” while Black’s Law Dictionary defines “person” as “in general usage, a human being.” The petition asserts that Mo’oinanea is not a human being.
  • To allow a spirit into the proceedings then it would lead to absurd results. If the Board
    allowed a spirit to be part of a contested case hearing, then it would presumably also have
    to allow, for example, deceased persons or even animals.
  • The petitioners do not have the authority to appear on behalf of Mo’ oineanea. HAS § 13-
    1-10 does not recognize an ancestral representative as an authorized representative. A
    person can only appear on his or her own behalfor represented by counsel.


The Hearing Officer concluded that “all the information presented indicated that Mo’oinanea is a spirit, not a person,” and recommended that her petition be denied as she did not meet the requirements of HAR §13-1-21 and §13-1-2 to be admitted as a party.

Seeing or Hearing Mr Ha reiterate the same things over and over again has me wishing The spirit of Mo'oinanea views and opinions were allowed as well.

Folks who are having a hard time remembering things should probably not smoke anymore of the MMJ that contains high amounts of THC. There is some MMJ plants now being grown in Cal that has low THC, like 6%. The "CBD %" is getting higher than the patient. Here is a friendly link with an educational video. jmo
I think they should have allowed the spirit, on the condition it turns up and speaks for itself.

Gypsy trying the old hijack again.
Seeing or Hearing Mr Ha reiterate the same things over and over again

...but it's okay when Gypsy does it, because PGV and millions of tourists can't be wrong.

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