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Hawaii Plans to fight Trump's Muslim Ban
Citizens have already been prevented from traveling,

Citizens? Nope. Immigrants, refugees? yes.
Apparently it's time to cut back on the federal food stamp monies, enough of the users and abusers in Puna. Looks like the AG office is doing us a favor without even knowing it! There may be no federal funded welfare coming to Puna if the AG keeps working against national security. Hawaii has the dumbest government in the country, our newspapers read like Mad magazine.
Originally posted by Justin

3) Hawaii does seem to have bigger fish to fry, and it's not as if a state with much larger funds (e.g. California) wouldn't have made this same lawsuit.

Thank you.
Citizens? Nope. Immigrants, refugees? yes.

Citizens have been affected. It's in the news.
But it's also Hawaii residents, people who are your neighbors:

“Hawaii is special in that it has always been non-discriminatory in both its history and constitution,” he added said. “Twenty per cent of the people are foreign-born, 100,000 are non-citizens and 20% of the labour force is foreign-born.”

Chin said people in Hawaii find the idea of a travel ban based on nationality distasteful because they remember when Japanese Americans were sent to internment camps during the second world war. Hawaii was the site of one of the camps.

You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
LOL 007, with and opening like that Kalakoa might surpass Rob today.

Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

"It is damaging Hawaii's institutions, harming its economy... Again, how is that going to be proved ?

Your first question should be, "how will the executive order prove to be effective in doing what it claims to do?" It can't. It was poorly crafted and should never have been signed.

Humanity is up against the greatest threat to civilization ever, and has been for over 1,000 years. It is coming to a head in our time. It came to a head previously in 1095

Well then, I guess by that logic it has to happen, and soon, if only because we are long overdue.
Have any good stock market tips, or earthquake predictions as well?

what right, exactly, is being taken away from a "citizen living in this country"

Citizens have already been prevented from traveling, they have been unlawfully detained, and their freedom of religion has been impeded. According to the Constitution, all citizens should be treated equitably and fairly. Due to this executive order, that's no longer true for one group of citizens. The executive order creates guilt by association in the eyes and minds of people unable to see the difference between a Muslim and a terrorist. Although in reality it's guilt by non-association because the people affected are not terrorists.

That is what the Hawaii attorney general is trying to correct.

You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.

Your opinion, based on a tiny subset of the relevant information, is worthless. You are not in the field of anti-terrorism (I am), you have no inside information, and quite frankly, a jaundiced, if not polluted viewpoint.

If it saves just one life, it will be well worth it.

If it keeps one ISIS member out (and they are stated they are using the refugee flow as a means of ingress by their operatives), it will be worth it.

The adverse impact of this measure to Hawaii is non-existent, but if a terrorist decides Waikiki would make a nice place to depart to paradise from, well, it's gonna leave a mark, if not a small crater.

Leave this stuff to the pros. It is too important of an issue for the ignorant to pretend they are competent in the subject matter, much less decision-making. You have no background, no information, no understanding WHATSOEVER!!!!!
We liberated Kuwait, and we liberated the Iraq people from their oppressive ruler.

We liberated their oil for the good of the multinational "energy industry".

The people themselves are still living with oppressive rule.

If it keeps one ISIS member out ... it will be worth it

While there may be some overlap between "ISIS" and "the Muslim faith", they are not automatically equivalent.
You are not in the field of anti-terrorism (I am)

Most of what you write makes it clear you're not in anti-terrorism, except perhaps as a contractor trying to line your pockets as fast as possible, while the gittin' is good.

pog seems to relish watching his own post burn to the ground. Others here who write in favor of the ban do so out of fear - - and that's the only honest-to-God real terror I've found in this thread.

So for now... So long farewell auf wiedersehen goodbye...
(Germans being an acceptable immigrant class these days, although in our past history they sure were treated like present day Muslims. It's an American tradition. Lucky they brought essential beer making skills with them to help overcome the initial prejudice.)

You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I would ask you all to try to keep this Hawaii related. It is not easy I know. For my part I realized that, when a terrorist bombing occurred in Bali, that we in Hawaii were not and are not immune.

We do need to try to keep our risks of terrorism in perspective.

In the tragedy that was 9/11 there were Hawaiians killed too. Without uncorking the motivations behind the 9/11 attack I think perspective requires we examine what has occurred since.

In the following sixteen years the United states has suffered about 100 citizens killed by terrorist acts in our homeland. None in Hawaii. In the same period the United States has killed over 500,000 Muslim citizens in their homelands. If this is a war, by the numbers, we are hardly losing. Following 9/11 I would have to say that President Bush and President Obama have both done an admirable job of keeping us safe in our homeland. Each of us is at much greater risk of dying by falling down stairs, auto accident or murder by our fellow citizens.

Every action we as a state or as a nation can take will have both positive and negative effects. To date, insofar as our self interests are concerned, we are perhaps the most protected population from terrorism as any nation on earth. There is a lot to examine about our government's actions but they have been keeping us safe at home - accepting that 100% safety is not possible. Approx. 6 citizens per year is a low number in a nation of 350 million that is at war.

I'll allow this to continue as long as you all keep it as grounded in Hawaii as possible. If it branches off into the history of the middle east or our treatment of the native Americans I will have to shut it down.

Meanwhile be civil. Any further accusations of others being stupid or thoughtless will immediately end this topic. So it likely won't be long.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

You are not in the field of anti-terrorism (I am)

Most of what you write makes it clear you're not in anti-terrorism, except perhaps as a contractor trying to line your pockets as fast as possible, while the gittin' is good.

pog seems to relish watching his own post burn to the ground. Others here who write in favor of the ban do so out of fear - - and that's the only honest-to-God real terror I've found in this thread.

So for now... So long farewell auf wiedersehen goodbye...
(Germans being an acceptable immigrant class these days, although in our past history they sure were treated like present day Muslims. It's an American tradition. Lucky they brought essential beer making skills with them to help overcome the initial prejudice.)

You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.

Your opinion is noted and dismissed. Not a contractor. You've gotten little correct in all of this.

After 8 long years of obstructionism from the top, we finally have somebody in office who gets it, who understands the nature and severity of the threat, and has taken, and will continue to take anew, steps to keep the threat at a minimum.

Faux intelligentsia will never understand, because they are too busy pretending to know what is going on, what we are up against, and what needs to be done. It, like so much of the news, is fake, i.e. faux.

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