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Someone flying a drone at Kaloli Pt.
My thoughts exactly. The kid will lose interest and move onto something else.

"Do you really think drones are prowling the night trying to catch a glimpse of you in you underwear?"

You don't spend much time on YouTube, do you.. lol

I'm retired so I have more time to dwell on the ridiculous side of life.

It is a thing..

"I do understand being annoyed at the sound at night. I especially dislike loud motorcycles morning, noon and night. I own a cheap little drone with a camera. Mildly useful. fascinating up to a point. I suspect the likely kids who lead to this tropic will rather soon get bored with the novelty of it all and stop. The little drone will gather dust on a shelf in their bedroom... my best guess.

Dad buys the boys a cheap drone.... wow. Something new and different. My best bet is some neighbor kids area taking turns trying to make it go left, right, up, down and sideways. Navigating over distance with the skill to peek in a window is advanced drone piloting.

The difference here is you are a particularly responsible person and am sure that you wouldn't fly your drone over other people's properties or close to their homes, and wouldn't bother people at night with it. This is not the case here. The drone has been flying over backyards in a manner consistent with invading their privacy. I'm afraid Mermaid's defense of "there's no zoom camera on it" and "I personally wouldn't want to burden the NW with something that "may" be a neighbor issue, not criminal."

The local NW are already concerned and even if there is no criminal intent, the invasion of privacy and late-night noise is a big issue, something the local NW are concerned about.
Well Tom, all I can say, with a smile, is if you were looking for sophistication why come here?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Because there's a great deal of sophistication on Mauna Kea's summit! Wink
This is a grey area obviously. Where does one draw the line w/drone use? What are the regulations on this? I'm not defending this activity. I thought we were in discussion.

Should all drones be forbidden in neighborhoods except for business activities? These are questions that need answers instead of making assumptions or starting a witch hunt. If there aren't any regulations yet then there's nothing legally to be done for the time being, right?

Tom, I'll reiterate my stance above... I'm not defending nor am I condemning drone activity in residential areas. I don't appreciate being blamed for any of this. If you go back and look, I was trying to assist in the beginning of this thread. I haven't heard anything further from Kaloli Pt's NW email system of any continued concern.
You're not being blamed for the drone activity. However, your defense of the anti-social behavior is. Posting stuff such as "He did say it was fun watching it fly at night." sounds more of a justification for the behavior rather than helping prevent it.
Oh my goodness Tom..I was merely trying to give the mindset of this young man... he's just a kid in our neighborhood. You are blaming me Tom bc I don't see this as black and white. My point is this can be dealt with in a calm neighborly way OR as the PAKA email sd, call the police. I'm reiterating a 3rd time, I was under the assumption we all were in discussion mode. TomK, this topic shouldn't tear apart neighbor relationships here on PT or in the hood, ok? We all went through this before when the issue was squatters. Were you living on Kaloli Pt then? Wasn't good....

Good night Tom. Have a good evening. [Smile]

I've lived here a long time, and I am not blaming you, just questioning your defense of the behavior. And my belief is a 20-something-year-old should know the difference between right and wrong. I would not call them a "kid".
Should all drones be forbidden in neighborhoods except for business activities?

Let's not forget that State/County always cede jurisidction to the "next higher level".

In this case, our "local" authorities would be powerless to act against an FAA-licensed drone operator.

Just like with the tour helicopters.

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