Originally posted by glassnumbers
It's not name calling, I am just grasping for some way to describe someone who actually thinks the best approach medically is to remove euphoria from a drug.
Actually young man, it is the
very definition of name calling.
And for the record, you are (once again) putting words in my mouth.
I never said that,
"the best approach medically is to remove euphoria from a drug".
I posed a question. A question that brings up a point I have made numerous times (on this forum and others). That point being:
I don't care if someone wants to drink Drano shove hot pokers up their rectum, smoke pot, eat lead based paint, or worship a plate of spaghetti. So long as what they do does not adversely affect another living person. But it's always the potheads who try to piss down your back and tell you it's raining. Shut up with the "it's medical it's medical" stuff and just say you want to get high! I have more respect for a man who admits his faults (we ALL have them) than for the people who try to hid behind something else.
At least drunks know they are drunks, junkies know they are junkies. Potheads have built a culture around their addiction to try and validate it.
And for the record, I used to have joy in my life. It was ripped away from me in two separate incidents.
As my wife (who IS Hawaiian) says,
Hawai'i isn't a paradise. It's a place where people work harder than most to have less than others because EVERYONE ELSE comes here thinking it's a paradise.
Paradise is home, family, and friends. And if your home, family, and friends are so unfulfilling that you'd rather stuff your body full of stuff to make you forget about it, then that's your problem - don't make it others'.
Aloha can also mean good bye. And since I've had my fill of this thread.... aloha.