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The bums are back in Pahoa
Originally posted by SBH

Exactly. Until the community shows compassion rather than contempt the issue will never be solved.

I agree that the issue may never be solved. But if we have to choose a false dichotomy, I suggest "intolerance/tolerance" over "compassion/contempt".

As in: Until the community shows intolerance rather than tolerance the issue will never be solved.

Probably people have a different idea of what the issue is. To me the problem is the arrogance and "in your face" attitude of folks that would presume to take over the most public space in Puna. To others the issue is likely "homelessness" or "addiction" or some such.

What role personal responsibility has in homelessness and/or addiction will always be hotly debated, but in this instance it may that the issue is folks (homeless or not, addicted or not) who shee-it on Pahoa, both literally and figuratively.

The impunity with which it happens leads me to believe that the community is tolerant of such behavior. Then again, the "take back Pahoa" movement of a previous month showed that it isn't that simple.


Perhaps if they had a place to " do their business" close by and always available. Even Porta pottys.. in the "hardest hit" areas.
Originally posted by randomq

I know plenty of homeless people here that have found communal living situations and contribute labor in exchange for room and board. Others that rent or squat on bare land and sleep in a tent. Hard to have much compassion for some of the assholes that make their laziness and dirtiness everyone elses problem.


There are some that try and they deserve help but as to those who refuse to try, at some point you have to say, "enough". Continuing to enable those that will not try, is foolish at some point.
Leilanidude, if tomorrow you were to wake up and shuffle outside to a crowd that proclaims you Magistrate, how would you choose to 'clean up the village?'
What would you do?
I am open for suggestions. Apparently nothing else has worked so far. So what do you have in mind since you seem to want to criticize me?
My apologies. I'm not criticizing,
I've only noticed that you tend to level a lot of grievances, so I had it in mind that you may have some helpful ideas.

how would you choose to 'clean up the village?'
what do you have in mind

The behavior of the homeless described in this thread is generally thought to be created and developed by nature or through nurture, which is an individual's genetic structure or upbringing. Most likely some combination of the two. Determining and changing that behavior is complex, and methods are hotly debated.

Here in Puna, we also have limitations on what can be accomplished, largely by two main factors:

1) Funding
2) Qualified care

Given that, I would suggest a low cost approach which can find approval and generate a positive reaction among the largest number of residents, as a means to avoid protests and a lengthy period of inaction. This might be accomplished by printing up t-shirts for the boardwalk homeless to wear which disclose:

This Individual
Has Been Certified:
* Non-GMO
* (Mostly) Natural
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Ding ding ding ... " Level a lot of grievances " Congrats Clayjacks on your oh so fitting a summation of what goes on here.

I'm going to keep this one in my pocket if I may.

No comment on those ones in Pahoa BC I don't know they story so cannot broad brush ( or broom ) .
Some are lazy, some truly have mental health problems.
We always make PnJ sandwiches before leaving home and hand them out to the houseless.Also pads for the womyn who may not have enough kala for their time of the month.If they enjoy beer,we buy them a glass 40.
The houseless are every where,lend a hand,help them out,so they have some knowledge that some one cares,give them a purple 5r or 3 ones or a quid or two.
A little help goes a long way.
A gift n a blessing,most unexpected.They are not new,just new to you.Some one from Maui sent them here or they are one of the followers of cinderland cult,where the newest Jezuz is thriving.
Compassion n respect .

You buy them alcohol????

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