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08-15-17 Police Task Force arrests 27 suspects
Gee, I seem to remember a certain local State prison with the lowest recidivism rates was closed here a few years back.
no programs in place to rehabilitate

"Rehabilitation" is a code word for "soft on crime". I read about it on social media.
I'm not trying to be a debbie downer, but how do those numbers compare to say... the same stretch of time last year? For all we know thats a low number of arrests.

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
Maybe the police should also try arresting folks that do these types of beatings?

Does the public also get the bill when officers are paid off for wrongful termination?
police should also try arresting folks that do these types of beatings?

It looked like his girlfriend got the upper hand by the end of the tape, which may also have been the end of the fight. Perhaps in the bizarro world of the HPD if you get beat by a girl it's considered punishment enough, and the Hawaiian Police Union invokes a Double Jeopardy Rule so the officer can't be penalized twice for the same incident. If he does, it's wrongful termination?

Because, it sure looked like rightful termination to me, after watching the video.

(It's) what the existentialists called "awful freedom" the reinvention of irrationality by marginalized people, just in order to spite science. -Elif Batuman
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
This former officer played a part of road rage and beat down.

6 months probation seems like a light sentence for this type of police behavior. My guess is that attorney Brian De lima stays pretty busy here on the Big Island defending our police Officers.
I'm getting bored with this site, I'm afraid. A lot of foaming-at-the-mouth computer tuffies with little to add to the story. I actually think it is a good thing that the horrible, lazy, easily bribed and shamelessly incompetent police are cracked down on auto thievery. Evidently Punatalkers think it is a bad thing. It is a puzzle to me. The US incarcerates its citizens at a higher rate than any other nation. Is building more expensive prisons a sensible solution? Longer sentences? Job and literacy training? In any case police action is very much appreciated, at least by me.
Peter, I agree proper Police action is appreciated.

What offense is worse, rape of an under age girl or car theft?
How about public beat downs of wives or car theft?

Car theft here on the Big island may be somewhat common but the theft usually does not injure anyone.
Here's hoping Mr.69 and Mr.Easter start their own website...
I always like to go back to George Carlin's memorable statement to a listener who objected to hearing his words: "Ma'am if you look at your radio you'll see a knob...."

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