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More from Tulsi: Net neutrality to be repealed
Glinda @ 09:26:41 and HOTPE @ 07:34:31-

Thank you both.
Now everybody, if you support net neutrality, understand what it's end means for your
freedom of speech and your wallet, call our US Reps and Senators, and also the FCC (at 202-418-1000).
Please do this, for us all.
It's disheartening we have a political system run by money, but undeniable. I have unsubscribed from all the shakedown sites that beg using every new outrage of the day, and only give selectively now. is more focused on these issues.
I just sent an email to my representative. I hope he will do the right thing but between me and his corporate sponsors what do you think he will choose?
If you are giving your money to Verizon, Comcast or ATT then you are financially supporting anti-net nuetrality lobbying efforts.
Originally posted by Alpogi8

I just sent an email to my representative. I hope he will do the right thing but between me and his corporate sponsors what do you think he will choose?
Well that depend, if enough of us bitch I suspect our representatives have no choice but to represent us, their constituents. After all in the end it is our votes they depend upon, not their corporate sponsors, to ultimately reelect them.

Tulsi (I hope) has higher aspirations, and as such appears to be building a base of constituents that believe in her no nonsense approach, especially in a time where others use polarization and fear as a tactic. I have no idea of who her larger funders are but have to imagine they do not expect favors in the same way large donors do of the mainstream as it has been traditionally. You'll note she has a record of standing up for ideas, not party affiliation, and putting her (as they say) political capital on the line for the ones she believes in. I feel lucky to think of her as my representative.
glinda now:
"in a time where others use polarization and fear as a tactic"

glinda then:
"And, they are far from the tough love BS that the Republicans use as an excuse to further their own greedy ends, and are ripping our society apart with now."

Polarization works both ways, you know.

I still think Tulsi was wrong for not supporting her party's Presidential candidate but indeed, she puts herself before party. She is spot on with this net neutrality issue, IMHO.
If you are giving your money to Verizon, Comcast or ATT...

Exactly. Just switch to another ISP, right?
Originally posted by PaulW

No polarization there Paul, but hey I am always happy to give you another reason to show us all how big of an asshole you are.. carry on!
You obviously don't know the meaning of the word polarization, dear sir.
Congress has nothing to do with the vote to keep net neutrality. Only five people at the FCC get to vote.
Their names are Ajit Pai, Mignon Clyburn, Michael O'Rielly, Brendan Carr, and Jessica Rosenworcel. Both Mignon and Jessica plan to vote keep net neutrality. To defeat the net neutrality repeal, one of these three men needs to change their vote.

Any change to be made has to be by directly contacting them. To do so here are the numbers easiest to contact them with:

Ajit Pai: 202-518-7399
Michael O'Rielly: 301-657-9092
Brendan Carr: 202-719-7305

You may also call 202-418-1000.

It will connect you with FCC. Tell them your name and State: “I am a concerned citizen from Hawaii calling to express my disapproval that the FCC is trying to kill net neutrality and the strong Title II oversight of ISPs.”

Or text 50409.

So yes, Tulsi's web site is a money-making scheme, because she has nothing to do with net neutrality.

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