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More from Tulsi: Net neutrality to be repealed
doesn't it concern you a little that we have highly paid entertainers, and comedians at that, who know F-all about the implications - for good or ill

Not in the least. In fact, I miss Jon Steward immensely. If ever there was a sane way to digest the news.. Jon and his staff of writers nailed it.. nightly! But at the same time, we all know that "entertainers, and comedians" often times skew things in favor of a good laugh, or to their particular flavor of politics, or their audience's. After all they aren't "highly paid" out of the goodness of their producer's hearts.

And besides, if this is a concern, I think the real danger is not with the comedians as much as it is with people/broadcasts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Productions that rather than billing themselves as entertainment present themselves as straight up news and commentary instead of the manipulative branch of a political party, of a political ideology, that they so obviously are.

I find the corporate wheels behind rescinding net neutrality, people with a great deal of knowledge on the issue and who know EXACTLY what they're doing ($,$,$) to be the ones I'm really worried about.

Exactly! And, unfortunately, I see this as happening across the board, in every department of government in which the executive branch has been able to appoint directors. It's a shame that so much damage can be done in so short a time by one madman.
Okay you guys have lost me.

Some HOTPE, you start by saying that you are worried about people who have no background in an area being so vocal about it (with you so far...)

But then you are worried about people with extensive background having a say in managing their area of expertise (granted I am paraphrasing)...

Anyways... just what is it you want then? Some middle ground? Maintain the status quo?

I for one would prefer professionals handle complicated matters.

I wouldn't ask my accountant to pull a tooth, nor my dentist to do my taxes.

then you are worried about people with extensive background having a say in managing their area of expertise

The corporate expert's area of expertise is in managing the Internet, with their priorities:

1) Extract as much money from customers as possible
2) Keep your service tolerable enough so as not to loose customers

What do I want? I want my service provider to make enough money to make a reasonable profit, which they all are managing to do just fine operating with net neutrality. When's the last time you heard of an Internet provider go belly up?

"Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm." -James Madison, The Federalist Papers, 1787
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
@glinda "I think the real danger is not with the comedians as much as it is with people/broadcasts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Productions that rather than billing themselves as entertainment present themselves as straight up news and commentary instead of the manipulative branch of a political party, of a political ideology, that they so obviously are."

what happened to exchange of differing views"""????your not a speech police are ya?

correct sp
geochem - my apologies for not replying earlier - I simply missed your post. Just to clarify. I'm not sure I would say "terrifying", it's not in my nature to say that. I would say "deeply troubling" and for a Brit like me, that's a level above saying I'm a bit miffed. I'll do what I can to support net-neutrality, but for goodness sake, I signed up for Tulsi's petition only to be a little disappointed it turned out to be a site designed to fund her campaign and not one necessarily supporting net neutrality.

It's in cases like this I tend to go back to my own culture, as many people here do. In my case, it's humor. It helps keep me sane and concentrate on the other things that I have to deal with every day when humor doesn't work and affects my life and those close to me.

Please don't get me wrong about the opinions and beliefs I hold. They are very strong, I just choose to do things here in a more fun way, at least for me.
Protest outside Verizon store against the rollback of net neutrality protections.
Thursday, Dec 7 10:00am
Hilo’s Verizon store.. 315 E Makaala St, Ste 111 Hilo HI 96720


"Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm." -James Madison, The Federalist Papers, 1787
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I think the people IN the Verizon store would also be out there protesting with you if they didn’t have to work.

No one of any import at Verizon will ever see your protest. It will be cool if it makes the news.....

Puna: Our roosters crow first
Didn't hear a peep - did the protest get any coverage? Has everyone with Verizon service changed providers? Vote with your dollars people, it's the only real vote that you have left.
As you may have heard, net neutrality lost today. But it's not over yet as Netflix and other companies are filing appeals.

Hawaii Senator Brian Schatz is also cosponsoring a bill that would require our elected officials to state whether they're in favor of, or opposed to net neutrality. This will allow voters to let them know next election how they feel about their stand. If enough pro net neutrality representatives and senators are elected, they can vote for legislation that will overturn today's ruling.

For those Punaweb members with mid six figure incomes, you'll be able to easily afford the new higher cost high bandwidth Internet plans, when you get your big tax break for the wealthy next week.

"Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm." -James Madison, The Federalist Papers, 1787
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
So what this means is if you a gamer your rates will be higher. But if all you do is read text you might pay less? So if you watch Pluto tv like me. I'd have a mid rate? So that's fair?

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