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Uncle Billy's Hotel?
Thank goodness that's over with. I had trouble sleeping last night.

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
This is just another example of Punawebbers taking care of one another. It is sooooo awesome! What an incredible and ecclectic community we have developed. The heart of Aloha is reborn here on Punaweb..... woo hoooo!

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
ROTFL, that was hilarious Andrew! LOL I can't stop laughing. hehehehehe!


It's 10:26p.m. I have jeans in the dryer that I really should take out and have been on the mainland for the past week1/2 so I'm way out of touch w/ what's what but nearly lost it when I started reading this post. If you are like me, you won't like Hill Billys (did I type that?) and will want to break out the Lysol on a regular basis (come to think of it most hotels/motels bring that desire out in me.) If you are here before the end of August and HB just is more than you can stand, come stay in my guest bedroom w/ your own BIG bathroom. It is the master and is very large, comfy. queen bed and CLEAN! I've never done this but understand your dilima. I'm in the book or you can email me. I wish you much luck in your quest. We will be VERY VERY busy in August but you are welcome if the need arises. My aloha is alot like my Texas friendly, we are all put on this earth to love one another and help who we can. Oh, and feed everyone who comes over, whether they are hungry or not! Good luck girl and reach for the stars!

Hi Pam,

First of all thank you so very much for the offer I greatly appreciate it. I am crossing my fingers that I won't want to run out before I even finish checking in! I am extremely prone to doing things like that. I am trying hard to condition myself so that I will remember that it’s all a sacrifice. I'm sure this will be an experience to remember for quite some time. Thank goodness we will be out-and-about everyday all day!


Edited by - lluberesm on 07/14/2006 01:06:36
Aloha Pam Jones,

PJ, are you in Tx. right now?
Don't know if that is CC or somewhere close to there, but if we could get together while you are here that would be great! Have our own little Hawaii get together in Tx.
I am in San Antonio but have a car, just can't be gone away from home for long yet until my puppies are older. But could meet you and your hubby or family for lunch if you are closer to San Antonio (like an hour away) before you leave Texas to go back to Hawaii.

PS Oh btw, are you sure that you weren't meant to be a BnB owner? Another nice one would be great.


Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!
Hi Lucy,
No, I am thankfully back home after a week and ahalf in Texas. I must be spoiled rotten (ok, it is official) but all I could think of while I was there is how in the world I stood the hot and humid summers for so long. Two words: air condition. Walking off of the plane at IAH (Bush Intercontinental) it felt like I hit a hot humid wall. Yuck! Lucy when you make it over here let me know. I'd love to hear what's up in S.A. (one of my favorite Texas cities). Funny you asked about the B&B because you are not the first. Even though it is corny I just love helping people and the highlight and challenge of my days at Continental was to replace the frown on peoples faces with a smile and that's what kept me going during weather delays and nights of four hour mandatory overtime. Who knows maybe some day. Meanwhile, have an ice cold Shiner for me and a good chicken fried steak w/ green beans and baked pot. Er, the kind you eat not smokeWink Here's a mangled one for 'ya..........Aloha y'all. LOL!!!

Hi PJ,

Glad that you made it back to Hawaii and you are happy once again! Sorry that I missed you. I hadn't planned on going to Houston, but there can always be something that I need to do there. Just a real long drive! LOL I thought if you were in CC that you would be driving right by my house on the way back, since I am close to the airport.
Yes Texas can be humid alright, but then I think Houston area is much more so that SA.
Plus Texas is the mold capital of the US!
No wonder USAA took mold out of the coverages long ago. Texas is number one1!!!!
UGH!!......unfortunately. No wonder I get those mold headaches. You go digging under the bark dust and there it is.

Vicki Boening, Turtle afficinado (own vet clinic in Hilo, lives in HPP) came from Galveston I believe.

No it's not corny, just something that you are good at doing! A natural at it! So if you want the B&B check it out from others in the biz.
You never know where things can lead you. Who would have thought that 15 years ago, you be living in Hawaii now? huh?

I will definately look you up upon touchdown in Hawaii!
How is you house coming along? Remeber we were laughing about staying in the trailer?

Take care,

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!

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