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We need a few traffic lights on Hwy 130
I can understand the safety angle, but to me stop lights are bad if there is bunch of them
in a row. Case in point, Queen Kaahumanu Highway.The reason why the traffic flow is so bad a long wiuth too many cars, is too many stop lights.

Traffic lights need not cause gridlock if they are spaced well and sychronized. (This does not require expensive computer traffic control systems, but can be done with simple clocks.) From what I've seen on Kanoelehua in Hilo and in Kona, however, synchronization seems beyond the capabilities of the local traffic authorities. Too bad.


Edited by - JerryCarr on 07/19/2006 18:43:48
So many folks have died on that road its criminal.And when the folks putting up the shopping center in Orchidland wanted to pay for the light themselves the county said "NO" its crazy!it really makes me mad how the county is not providing any infrastructure to the area.mean while all you hear is there is so much excess tax revenue they don't know what to do with it!!!!!!!!
Fact is its dangerous and crowded we need reduced speed limits,double lanes,turning lanes and traffic lights ect.. wether some folks want them or not.The Keaau-Pahoa bypass has all that and I have not heard of too many(not even one) people getting killed on it.Shipmans new "subdivision" is going to have its entrances on the kp Bypass "funny" how that infrastructure is already in place for them.
When we were looking for property the realtor told us locals don't buy in Orchidland because its to dangerous to get on/off the highway maybe thats why the subdivision never really took off like you would think.
I think I read that something like 50 thousand more people were expected to move into Puna in the next 10 years,(do you think they figured interest rates into it).Gee I wonder how long it will take the county if ever to build us a decent road.
Sorry to rant but the goverment needs to take responsibility for what they half-a$$ed created for easy revenue and they are not acting fast enough, anyone of us could get killed.

every time i drive down 130 i'm glad i don't live down there

It's kinda crazy to have homes right on the highway, People going 55 mph and then someone stops to turn into their driveway, I am always fearful of the person distracted on their cell phone slamming into me, maybe I am paranoid but I have been rear ended 4 times in L.A.

The sad thing is that governments don't act alot of times until someone gets killed.

The fact is the four areas where raid growth has been occuring have been shortchanged by
Hilo (Puna, Ka'u, Kohala, and Kona). Its like
government wants to line their pockets with
$$$ before adequate infrastructure is built.

I've driven down Highway 130 before. They
really need to build an secondary roadway
out of Pahoa, especially with all this development planned in this area.

Couple things

1) "...paved paradise and put up a parking lot..." Here's a remember when... there was no Keaau or Pahoa bypass? You drove slowly (there's that word again) through both villages.

2) to be the devils advocate, where would be a good place for the stop light or do you put one at Ainaloa, Makuu, Aulii, PAradise Dr, Orchidland, Kaloli, Pohaku, and Shower? Did I forget any?

3) And no matter what happens, there is no way that road or Volcano rd can handle 50,000 more people without looking like Nimitz Hwy at rush hour.


(And just to be fair, when I lived in HA, I made that left off Ainaloa daily until a few months ago so I am familar with the terror.)
I pulled these stats from its for a three month period, the traffic accidents/fatalities was disturbing.

Comparison of District of Puna Police Statistics for the first quarters January 1 through March 31, 2005 and 2006:

2005 2006
Murder 0 0
Attempted Murder 1 0
Negligent Homicide 0 1
Sexual Assault 15 13
Robbery 6 0
Assault 70 68
Theft 1 194 227
Driving under the influence 24 34
Drug cases 2 53 102
Auto accidents
Fatalities 5 2
Major 104 137
Minor 104 102
Misc. Service calls 3 2651 2860

1. First through fourth degree, including shop-lifting and car break-ins.
2. Involving drug use, production, sales and paraphernalia.
3. Non-criminal.
Mahalo to Community Policing Officer Sherwin Taka for providing these statistics.

As commerce grows so will crime...where there are people, right? Thanks for taking the time to put that together. Very interesting.


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