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Pesticide Ban To Be Considered In Hawaii County
I do not know about Roundup causing cancer. But I do know, without a doubt, from first hand experience, that exposure to Roundup can cause sever kidney damage.

I have a cat, a very nice guy that until the experience I am recounting here was completely unafraid of people. One day he was sleeping under a bush against a chain link fence on the side of my property while my next door neighbor was spraying his property’s border with Roundup. You know the type of guy that likes to outline everything in Roundup? He would poison a little strip between his grass and walkways, fences, trees, etc.

As my neighbor was spraying the edges of his yard along our mutual property line my cat was sleeping against the same fence and instead of avoiding my cat my neighbor just went on by covering him in a spray of Roundup as if he too were some kind of unwanted weed. When later asked about this he said “what’s the problem, it’s just Roundup"

That night, when my cat came inside, he was sick, throwing up a horrible black bloody fluid that didn't stop all night long. By morning he was in a very bad way. When we finally got to the vet his kidneys had completely shut down and he was close on to dying. Placed on IV life support it was 9 days before he recovered enough to come home, and yet another 4 days before he started to eat solid foods. Thankfully he has recovered, and continues to enjoy life.

I did not witness the spraying event. But my neighbor agreed, he sprayed my cat. The vet agreed, there was an odor, and other signs, including residue in his fur of Roundup. I have no doubt. My cat was poisoned by Roundup.

Alls to say that for me there is no question, Roundup is harmful, and deadly, and those that without first hand experience regurgitate the manufactures ‘it’s all good’ line are just showing all of us how they are willing to have their thoughts, their conclusions, their very beliefs formed through manipulation by commercial forces that are only interested in their own profits. It is a very sad commentary.

I could share links.. there’s all sorts of articles on the effects of Roundup on Kidneys and Livers.. here’s a link to a Google search…

My biggest concern is with people that would zealously argue against studies rather than embrace them with open arms. What’s the point? What is there to be afraid of?
Without a doubt? Who knows what else your cat did that day, maybe eat a poisoned rat.
my neighbor just went on by covering him in a spray of Roundup

I'm glad your cat recovered glinda.
Roundup applied to a cat however, would probably not be considered "apply as directed" according to the label. There are many products used around our homes that would have a similar outcome if not used properly. Look under your sink, in your garage, or in a tool shed. The list would probably fill a page.

Portion of Hawaii’s drinking water that comes from underground wells : 9/10
Gallons of raw sewage that leak into the ground from Hawaii cesspools each day : 53,000,000 - Harper's Index
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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