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The $680, no $800 million dollar plan for Puna
What do you suggest-Leaving lava covered roads as is?

Yes. The roads are covered with lava because they're in an area where this happens. If we re-establish roads in that same area, there is a strong possibility that those roads will be covered with lava again. This does not seem like a wise investment of limited public resources.

A new police and fire station in Keaau?

"Necessary" to meet the needs of all those new Keaau residents who will be buying lots in the new Shipman subdivisions.

Partner with the major Keaau landowner to facilitate their master plan.

Shipman lands were purchased decades ago for "very little money". At today's prices, the investment return is large enough to cover any costs involved in subdividing. Why do we have to also pay for the privilege? (Nor is it clear that the sale price of a "fully improved" lot will be within the budget of many lava evacuees...)
Kalakoa - all those new Keaau residents who will be buying lots in the new Shipman subdivisions.

I think you mean leasing new lots - you don't really think Shipman is going to sell these lots at today's prices when they can charge rent in perpetuity instead?

How "funny" that this is in the West-side paper, not the East-side one where Puna is.

Even "funnier", there's suddenly authorization for one of the dispensaries to begin growing:

I wonder what kind of State cooperation we might get if we asked for a $billion?

Kalakoa, thanks for the post! Trying to absorb any and all info on this "package".
I read the info from the Mayor's office , made available by Ruggles and O'Hara.
It seemed to me that there was more of an emphasis on the possibility of a Keaau subdivision but this story suggests State land (Keonepoko) might be utilized. Time will tell, both, either, nothing?

The story also stated that a special session might not be necessary as Ige might be open to helping us short term and any long term plans could be addressed in the Jan. session. The article did state that lawmakers and the county would be meeting again at the end of this month.
Why was this not covered in the Hilo Tribune? So odd.

Kim is already asking the Council to reconsider the latest increase in not be limited to transportation.....which leads me to another thought.
If the State leg. approves part or all of Kim's requests for rebuilding Puna , the Island tourism industry, etc. could ALL money appropriated be diverted to other areas of the island?
In other words, would the State leg. approval of aide be specific to specific needs listed? Or would this be a golden egg delivered to the County Admin to spend as they deem fit?
Resolution Draft:

Thanks for the link yak!

I personally think the document is misnamed. Instead of:

Joint Resolution of Commitment and Cooperation Relating to the Response and Recovery for the Ongoing Kilauea Volcanic Event of 2018

it would be much more appropriately named:

Joint Resolution of Commitment and Cooperation Relating to the Industrialization of the Puna District on the Island of Hawaii.

At least in that way we could be honest as to what underlies this ambitious plan.
could ALL money appropriated be diverted to other areas of the island?

I believe that's the plan; consider that "they" were talking about "no more building permits in LZ1/LZ2", so it would be "questionable" to allocate public dollars to these areas.

we could be honest as to what underlies this ambitious plan

The plan cites principles outlined in the PCDP; it's not clear that "industrialization" is really the goal.

the possibility of a Keaau subdivision but this story suggests State land

Again, consider whether a Leilani evacuee can afford it.

Half-acre Hilo lot with paved road, full services: about $160-180K. (The new subdivision near the golf course was conveniently assessed while improved/vacant.)

Full acre of Leilani with a house: $190K. (Picked at random, Pueo St.)

So a hypothetical 100% insurance payout is just barely enough to purchase an "improved" lot.

Note that new home construction is running a 20% premium due to tarriffs.

Now, who is the new subdivision for?
Punaperson posts:
"I've just come back from visiting on Oahu and Maui.

While I know that the amount of money the County is requesting is more than the Mayor actually hopes to receive, I wouldn't bank on much coming at all. No one I spoke to had any problem about helping rescue people in dire situations during the emergency. But the most frequently asked question was along the lines of " They were gambling big time by living on the rift. No one pays my losses when I'm in Vegas - why do they think we should pay for their foolish choice ? ".
Although this might be a true reflection of the citizens of Oahu and Maui
(understandably so ),it really has nothing to do with the way our Gov. spends our tax dollars. The only way it would matter is if people protested, loudly in droves. Otherwise, it will all be a political decision..... Most likely and unfortunately handled in the same fashion as the" Rail". I am still baffled at the acceptance of this nightmare.
They (Oahu) gambled on rail and have lost big time, making sure the other counties bail them out.
So when can I start rebuilding on my Lanipuna lot?
reni - If the State leg. approves part or all of Kim's requests for rebuilding Puna, the Island tourism industry, etc. could ALL money appropriated be diverted to other areas of the island?
In other words, would the State leg. approval of aide be specific to specific needs listed? Or would this be a golden egg delivered to the County Admin to spend as they deem fit?

Harry Kim has repeatedly said that whatever is done will be for the good of the entire island. So while all these plans (Hwy 11 bypass, new subdivision developed for Shipman in Keaau, Ruderland on state parcel between HPP & Beaches, Replacement Ag properties near Keonepoko, potential buyout of the Impacted area and LZ1, etc) are being used to add up the money potentially being asked for, unless it is specified explicitly in the Resolution text as to how it must be legally used (like the $120 million in overtime pay for the next five years), the County appears to have complete discretion on how the money could be ultimately spent. See how the GET increase is being assigned to road projects in Kona and Hilo - no one said the increase must go to address Puna roads. Or how the Bayfront Trails projects and Banyan Drive redevelopment is part of the Puna/County recovery plan (to draws tourists who might visit Puna possibly?).

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