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EBT, WIC, Welfare, Oh My! Punafare?
It is very important to remember the role that education plays in the equations given.
It is only through learining how to budget that one can actually live on a budget. This may seem like a duh-hay, but there are people across the socio-econmic scale that have never learned how to budget their resources. They spend the income they receive (and many go into debt to make purchases that should have been budgeted).
The quality of the schools also effect the ability of the residents to get things like a higher education, and to qualify for a good paying job. School quality issues also effects the students desire to be in school. If you feel that there is no to low worth in an activity, you probably will not keep doing it. If students are not in school, and feel no drive to be engaged in school, they look at other things to fill their time. This fact alone can help expain some of the recreational drugs, joy-riding , petty theft, and teen pregnancy.
But on the view some have of "social welfare". The state college I transfered from offered free honors classes to students in the honors program (this college was a commuter campus in an upper income county). In one of the classes, students were voicing their opinions against public welfare. I happened to bring up that getting free classes at a state run institution was public welfare. You should have heard the students voice that fact that they were intitled to this benefit because they "earned" it with their good grades. (Not the fact that it was their job, as students, to get good grades. That was the payment for their work) It is also important to realize that much of the educational system in the U.S. is publicly funded (and many private schools do have public funded benefits, through grants, scholarships, teachers workshops, etc.)
So, as a student with a grant, at a state institution, & a home owner and tax-payer, I have only to say, thanks.
Aloha, Carey

Many doctors are involved in the "worker's comp" fraud. I knew one person that "couldn't" stand on his feet for very long so he received comp, but he could go hiking up the mountain to pig hunt all day.

Look out Punatics, there's another haole on the site!

"That government is best which governs the least, for it's people discipline themselves."- Thomas Jefferson
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

the same people who look down their noses at people getting assistence support the machine that doles out the "corporate" welfare, go figure

No question about the need - it's a pretty sorry society that lets their children go hungry. I just wish there was some kind of compliance enforcement. The people who lived in this house before we bought it were on public assistance, and operated two booming home based businesses. We still get their mail (18 months later) and they have supplier accounts all over town. I suspect an effective compliance section could pay for itself on the first day.

No flamethrowers Jerry, I agree 100% with your opinions. Clearly no one is getting rich. Clearly there is a lack of a living wage. I can't imagine a single guy only gets $100 a month in food stamps! I could be wrong but this seems grossly inadequate. I certainly have no problem with the needy getting stamps. It's just that i see a whole lot of people forgoe employment, because they can life "for free" on benefits. If someone in your family works or is trying to work, i have no problem with benefits. It's the people i know who wouldn't consider working as an option when they can just collect that bother me. Someone driving around in a newer car than me, with a laptop, and a $200/week maryjane expense AND getting foodstamps/disability and maybe even working under the table is living beyond their means at the expense of others in my opinon.

BTW i worked on Nader's campaign in Florida in 2000!, same thing i told the cop who accused me of being an idealistic democrat when he pulled me over whilst driving a homeless guy to a shelter because my hispanic friend with a bandana on was sitting in the front seat.

Is that the same Nader that threw the election for the dems and put the delusional war monger in office? I am glad enough time has passed and the naderights can come out of hiding.hahaha LOL no offense <wink>
I personally save my angst for serious issues like crimes against children. I'm not to into people ripping off uncle sam when he's the biggest thief out there.

Hey how bout all those self employed guys you think they are hiding any earnings on thier tax returns? <wink>

Hey Punamom those self employed farmers, hobbiest, ect here in this small CA town, don't pay no stinkin taxes if they can help it any which way!

But I'm with you, one of the greatest crimes against a society is any crime involving it's children. The innocent, who will be responsible for the future after we are gone, have many needs of love, security, food, health, personal safety, education, that shape their future and care to take into the stability of their future communities, jobs, relationships and their soon enough families they themselves create.

mella l

PS excuse my drifting off topic but just you know couldn't help it. Yes I too wanted to look Nader in the eye and view that ego!

Edited by - mella l on 09/02/2006 19:29:12
mella l
Art and Science
Punamom, you can't rip off Uncle Sam because he has no money. That's why he needs us. Folks who abuse public assistance programs steal from those who truely need the help, and from those of us who provide it.

So I guess you'll be talking to Hazen to get the names of all those thiefs taking our money and report them? Hey won't it be funny when they go to jail and the gov.takes their kids and we have to pay egads of money for their care but they end up screwed up from all of it and go on to cost society more,
But its your civic duty right? you have to do it.your just speeding up their Karma right? and I stand corrected, uncle sam has no money its all on credit these days.Oh and don't forget the tax evaders, its always better to give your money to uncle sam he knows how to spend it best, right?It would be so bad for the local economy if the money wasn't laundered through uncle sam first, would'nt it? Remember they used to cut off your hand and throw you in jail for stealing bread from the ones who truly need it, I mean that guy could of ate grass or garbage how dare he think he's entitled to bread or laptops.
We surely can't make more bread or money.
Same S**T Different Century.

well enough sarcasm this topic is starting to go in circles like "what goes around comes around"

Buzz if you were poor and homeless where would you rather be:
living in your own tarp shack,ocean front munching on coconuts and guava with warm tropical weather or:
Some dangerous alley in chicago stuffing your clothes with newspaper and eating out of trash cans.

Okay I'm done all the hot air blew out my flames Smile

Edited by - punamom on 09/03/2006 02:33:05
It’s really tough to judge the circumstances of people in need. Food, education and basic health care are fundamental needs and it’s a problem with society that people need to cheat the system to get them. Given the opportunity and a fair wage most people would want to work and pay their own way.

However, the disparity between the wealthy and poor is at an unprecedented high. Profits at large corporations are at record levels where as average wages have been stagnant or declining. With the cost of everything going up, it’s tough to make a living these days.

Today the majority of Americans need two incomes just to survive. Amazingly the majority supported a government that favored big corporations and the wealthy over the needs of the average citizen.

I’ve had the opportunity to travel and live in many countries and America is still one of the best places to live, with Hawaii being the best. However, the Republic is becoming a Republic of special interests and large corporations; the pendulum needs to shift back to a Republic for the people rather then a select few.

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” Dalai Lama

Edited by - adias on 09/03/2006 08:08:45

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