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Originally posted by glassnumbers
I know you don't like me Tom, so I try not to bother you, but I think I can actually be of assistance here, hopefully. Otherwise, I apologize for annoying you further. That talk of energetic strongholds and portals really, really sounds like someone who is saying something reasonable, but is high on cannabis. One of the reasons why rappers are into weed is the freer association of words a person has when high.
If I recall correctly, Castaneda was pretty heavily into the jimson weed alkaloids as well. Made for entertaining reading in my youth when I had the time and energy to contemplate "alternate realities" - but quickly came to the conclusion that time spent on alternate realities usually detracted from my ability to engage effectively with the real one...
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alternate realities usually detracted from my ability to engage effectively with the real one...
Yep, ya gotta watch out for those alt-realities, there's a lot of 'em around for sure, and OMG! But geochem, is that really why you can't engage?
I don't know one way this or that but always found one needs the means to overcome the things that irritate them. And hey, narcissistic people can have that effect on some folks, as TomK appears to have on RWR, who seem to be asking for help with it. So, rather than discussing the right or wrong of it I offered a different point of view. No big deal.
And yes, one can take Carlos' writing any which way, but there are nuggets no matter, and the concept of a petty tyrant has been a comforting one. Well worth contemplating for sure.
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Originally posted by ElysianWort
As if there aren't Imbalances, warriors, assemblage points, portals for freedom, and energetic strongholds in our life we live in. They are there whether or not you see or recognize them.
A tall order to challenge that statement, but count me as one who doesn't see them, or even understand what they mean.
Tom sure brings out the animosity around Punatalk. I may be wrong, but in my limited exposure to the content here it seems to me it's more often an internal problem with those who are annoyed by him rather than the position that people imagine he is coming from.
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it's more often an internal problem with those who are annoyed
I agree.
It's not the presence of Tom, it's the lack of Tums.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
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Or to paraphrase Glinda: if you don't pay attention to the trolls they will go away. And you'll be less angry.
Certainty will be the death of us.
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Am I missing something? All this relates to Puna? How?
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For any of you younguns who are used to the term "troll" being used to describe any annoying person with opinions you don't like, this is the very definition of a troll post. Pop in, drop an inflammatory comment, then sit back and watch everyone else argue about it.
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Originally posted by waawaawah
Am I missing something? All this relates to Puna? How?
People in Puna do, in fact, have emotions. All of us can benefit from being mindful and not letting other people control our mental state.
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Originally posted by RWR
Dear Rob,
How is it I get sent on vacation for below and TomK straigt up calls me F-ing Idiot and is still posting ?
He has used this term twice to me and on other occasions here on Punaweb.
Shoots, he even confesses to using it more than once...
Boo effin hoo
Fortunately, any member of the Punaweb forums can file for a refund of all membership fees, no questions asked. Just simply hit the link at the top right hand corner of any page.
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
You people speculating and are misinterpreting the genesis of my post.
I am neither offended or trolling.
I have asked ROB a question and i await his reply.
Assuming the best in that he is away from his desk.