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Russian Hypersonic Target In Hawaii
@ Terracore Well said.

Example: Like they REALLY don't know where Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is ?

Did you read the OP & story link? This is not "oh, we could always blow stuff up, and now we can still blow stuff up." This is a recent TV broadcast, and recent satellite test. Brand new, hot off the griddle.

Yeah brand new news about another way we can get blown up. My point is we could always blow each other up. From plane, from submarine, from land and maybe even from space now, we can all nuke the hell out of each other. It's still a nuclear catastrophe calamity. Just a new deliverance.

So I guess I'm saying I don't think anything positive can be gained by starting a discussion topic such as this one. That's why I said, "old news" Maybe old topic is more accurate. Topic: Nuclear war.
Fear, anxiety, hoplessness, confusion, pain those are some of the emotions that commonly arise when talking about a nuclear war with any of those countries in Asia.

Want to add an emotion that isn't negative?? I'm all ears...
an emotion that isn't negative?? I'm all ears...

Do you find the negative connotations for this topic different from the negative connotations in a thread devoted to Round Up and cancer? Both can fill a person with fear, anxiety, hopelessness, pain - - and yet you were quite engaged and prolonged the Round Up discussion for an extended period of time. If the purpose was to inform and exert a positive change, the same can be said of this topic.

Each of us finds certain issues in this great big world more interesting than others. I don’t read the threads here if I have little or no interest in the subject matter. How many Asian restaurants can we discuss on Punaweb? Apparently the correct answer is infinity plus one, but in general I pay little attention. A lot of other folks enjoy the various details of that topic though.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Do you find the negative connotations for this topic different from the negative connotations in a thread devoted to Round Up and cancer?

The emotion for the above topic is "hope" because knowledge gained (avoiding eating foods with glyphosate residue) or (avoid using Roundup) could possibly mean someone avoiding a lot of strife and or sickness.

If the nukes hit (or not) it doesn't matter what knowledge one might have gained prior to the armageddon type event.

That's all. Carry on with this merry topic. ~Aloha

"TomK - Can satellites (and their potential debris) travel at different speeds in the same orbit? That is, is the orbital speed of an object in a 150 mile high orbit different from another object in a 300 mile high orbit? Elliptical orbits would cross paths with circular orbits so I can see how their debris would be a wild card in LEO."

The orbit of something is mainly determined by its velocity, i.e., objects in the same object have the same speed, so debris from a collision of explosion would end up having a spread of orbits. Small changes in the gravitational field of the earth also cause the debris to spread out in both the vertical and horizontal direction, so you can quite quickly end up with a large swathe of satellite-killing debris.

I believe the small satellites the proposed Keaau launch site would put into orbit will be placed in orbits that decay quickly so the satellites would return to earth relatively quickly and burn up in the atmosphere so that they don't add the the ever-growing amount of orbital debris although I need to double check that though. However, even in those low orbits, a Kessler syndrome-like event would put them in danger.
"Example: Like they REALLY don't know where Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is ? "

Where is it then? Oh, you don't know? But you do know that someone does know?
How do you get through the day.
I think it's helpful to know where the nuclear targets are, so I don't move anywhere near one.

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