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Gas Prices Sound Off?
yep it's election time and the oil corps know who's been filling up their trough

it's funny just up until a couple of weeks ago hawaii's gas prices had not budged despite them dropping like a rock on the mainland, until the news channels started questioning what the heck was going on, and some estimates if the cap law was still in effect they would have dropped as much as 60 cents instead once the oil corps here felt the heat they threw us a few pennies.
i'm sure they're looking forward to more billions in tax breaks should the oilers stay in power.

Shell Station in down town Hilo (next to Farmers Market) $3.17

ELECTION TIME - end of story... All hail GW! Bozo supremo!

Ha! Not may already be familiar with this site Hazen. If not, you (as well as others here) may wanna take a look every now and then. Heaps of wonderful thought-provoking articles from a wide variety of sources.


Edited by - Lucy on 10/01/2006 08:45:12

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!


Edited by - Lucy on 10/01/2006 08:23:38

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!
Lucy, please accept my sincere apologies for having got a bit of a giggle out of Hazen's comment. In future, I will try not to pay any attention to him.

Hazen, we don't really know one another yet and it was apparently very very wrong of me to kinda chuckle at your observations, nod my head in agreement, and post that link.

Everyone else? Please try and find it in your hearts to forgive me for having directed you to the CommonDreams website. In my admitted ignorance and newbieness here on the site, I've apparently committed a heinous sin.

Hmmm. I know! Perhaps there should be a disclaimer on the site somewhere warning that the subject of politics is verboten? kapu? So that others don't make the same mistake?

Yours in humility, subjugation, and stinky socks,


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors...Plato

Edited by - malolo on 09/26/2006 11:37:14
Politics and personal opinions are not taboo for this site. I think the only thing we are not supposed to do is attack one another. I enjoy reading other people's opionons. When I don't agree with their opinion it makes me sit and think how smart and superior I am to them. When I agree with there opinion, I get to think, see how many people agree with me!! I knew I was right! Sarcasm it fun!

To tie in the other thread with Neil Young "Let's impeach the President" . You might need to be a Neil Young fan to get that.


No need to ask to be forgiven Malolo from me, you haven't done anything to harm. Smile)

Glad that you get a chuckle out of Hazen, he seems to be a funny guy! Wink

You know, I am going to edit this just to show just what you asked, withdrawing my opinion.

The forum agreement statement here is standard for any Snitz forum and this site is powered by Snitz. So it 'appears' that Rob hasn't changed the standard stamp that Snitz has put out for the Registration Rules and Policies Agreement, or any other rules as far as I can tell, since I never have seen them posted, other than that.

This is posted on the forum here. "By pressing the "Agree" button that you, the user, are 13 years of age or over. You are fully responsible for any information or file supplied by this user. You also agree that you will not post any copyrighted material that is not owned by yourself or the owners of these forums. In your use of these forums, you agree that you will not post any information which is vulgar, harassing, hateful, threatening, invading of others privacy, sexually oriented, or violates any laws." This is typical on any Snitz forum and can be changed as an owner wishes, not written up by Rob per se.


Edited by - Lucy on 10/01/2006 08:39:05

Having another Great day in Paradise, Wherever that Maybe!
This just out from the Lanai, where I will probably get the boot, but the administrator says.............

Edit by moderator:

I have removed a copyrighted statement from the Lanai
which bans all political discussion on that web site.

End of edit

So the Lanai forum now sets precedence on the Punaweb! Interesting.

You know if the only news I watch is Fox News, you know the motto "We Decide, You Agree" you couldn't blame me for not being interested in the price of gas and how it may affect my personal budget, well because my head would be in the sand.

I have read some of the common dreams articles as well as many other sites and find the array of information not only informative, but inclusive and thought provoking, with positive tones.

Sure didn't mean to stir this up with a question and guess I wasn't informed of the Eureka strike in the gulf sorry to all.

Aloha Mella

PS. I would find it very bad etiquette to put someone on a news list without their permission, really poor form wouldn't you say! Some people jump to the most hilarious conclusions and then sic the Christian Children's Television Network, DOVE looking for a donation, on you and give out your private telephone number.

Hum wonder how that works? Oh well have another glorious day in paradise whereever you are.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
everyones lives are connected to politics wether they like it or not, if i don't want to read a thread, i don't. guess that's too easy. however if i have a comment to post, non political or political then i will, because if i don't, because i'm afraid to offend someone(which i don't try to do), then what's the use?



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