Who in the office authorized this?
On 21 June, after the mass exodus of board resignations in which Craig Crelly was a participant, the GM posted Crelly's vacancy for the following term along with all the other board vacancies, encouraging members to submit applications to fill all 6 vacancies. I saved that vacancy post to file. Crelly resigned for both terms.
That vacancy was posted for 11 days until "someone" in the office removed it from the website, and by who's authority? When Crelly resigned, he also gave up his officer seat at that point in time forward, and couldn't be a board member without being sworn in and wasn't an officer legally after he resigned on 19 Jun 2019. Yet "someone" in the office posted that Crelly is an officer and a seated director..... by whose authority?
After the Special Board meeting 9 Jul 2019 and seeing all the rumors from FB (sent to me by members) instigated by former board members and employees, I sent this letter yesterday morning to D1 rep Larry Kawaauhau to which D7 rep and I have not received a response yet. This might help explain where we're at today, even though Crelly resigned on 19 Jun 2019. This DRAMA and CHAOS is a disservice to the Association and the remaining board of directors. There should be accountability for what appears to be a covert action...hence my request to get to the bottom of this rumor.
Aloha Larry,
At the Special Board Meeting on 9 Jul 2019, Kathleen Shaw and Tanya Seaver announced to everyone that the meeting was illegal because we didn't have a quorum. That there currently is a board of 4 because you and Craig Crelly were sworn in and you had a recording secretary present when the swearing in occurred in the office.
Tanya Seaver and Kathleen Shaw are also spreading these "rumors" all over social media.
Will you please confirm whether or not these "rumors" are true or not? D7 nor I have heard anything from you informing the rest of the board that you or Craig Crelly were going to be sworn in, so at this point we are regarding these rumors to be just that, rumors, not fact, until we hear from you.
Please confirm whether you and Craig Crelly were sworn in, when did it occur, who was present and where did it occur?