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DiveHilo Scuba Club
Apparently I am not patient enough for dial-up.

Big Island Spearguns
207 Kilauea Avenue
Hilo Town

Visit them and be sure to say you heard about them from the DiveHilo Dive Club.

Mahalo, Pam

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
We regretfully couldn't make it to this one. My back has been out for a few days now, and I really needed the extra day without activity to try and get myself in shape for the coming work week. I'm also having problems with my ankle as a result of my leg breaking incident. I hiked out to the lava flow last Sunday night, and it has been really bothering me since then. Went in for xrays this week on both the leg and the back, and it looks as though I will have to have surgury on the ankle if I ever want to have the possibility not having a lifetime of pain(or more pain that is). Also my wife is still having alot of neck problems as a result of the car accident she was in. So we're pretty banged up right now, but still want to be involved with the club, and still want to get certified. We will work dilligently on rehab for the next one.

Mark, I am very sad to hear you are both under the weather so seriously. We of course wish you the best and let us know if there is anything we can do. We look forward to seeing you and your family next time.

Aloha, Pam

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Hi Mark:

I can identify brother! I was all ready for the dive outing. I had my tanks filled and my deviled eggs all made up. But I had a pretty bad congestion in my chest the past few days. Not exactly the best conditions for diving. Actually it can be very dangerous to dive with heavy chest congestion. Embolisms and the like can occur. Any way at least my tanks are all filled up and ready for next time.

You and your family get well soon.

All the best,

DiveHilo Dive Club Website:

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
I don't have much bussiness on this thread other than to pass along some info I came accross that I thought you all might find useful, although I do hope your Club is successful and as rewarding as I will only ever imagine.

Aloha HADave

Edited by - HADave on 10/02/2006 05:23:02
Aloha HADave & Mz P

Hawaiian Acres

The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.

Dave, great site. Thank you so very much!
And you DO have a place here with us... we not only scuba but BBQ, bnorkel, kayak, etc..... any water time is fun time and any time with Punatic friends is quality time. Join us ANY time we have an event and see what it's all about.

Aloha, Pam

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
I want to thank everyone for being so friendly and welcoming. I found interesting conversations and good company at my first DiveHilo event. See ya next time!



Pam, It is always a pleasure to contribute Smile) especially when it can benefit so many...

Aloha HADave

Aloha HADave & Mz P

Hawaiian Acres

The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.

I also had previous commitments and could not attend Sundays dive. However, after reading about some of the events that took place Sunday, three things come to mind...**SAFETY**SAFETY**SAFETY!!!!
I see that one diver was "chastised" for losing her dive buddy, not once but "TWICE".
I can attribute this to one of three things; 1, Improperly trained by her Instructor....2, Didn't plan her dive and then dive her plan....3 Or is just a totally irresponsible diver. Granted, ultimately we are all responsible for our own safety, but when scuba diving, there is a built in safety factor taught in your open water divers course. Always stay within sight of and hopefully a few breaths of your dive buddy. Dive buddy doesn't mean "diving in the same ocean at the same time".
By breaking this rule, you not only put yourself in danger, but also your dive buddy.
Then there is the episode of Jenny needing to be rescued by a lifegaurd.
Once again there seems to be something missing ( SAFETY ). I read that the water was rough out there. Was Jenny skilled in the operation of the kayak? Was she wearing a flotation device? Was there anyone who was skilled with her when she needed rescued? Any of these things may have prevented her rescue being required.
And last but not the least that needs mentioned is the "great offer" from the lifegaurd. To come over to this group the next time we show up to teach us the "basics of water safety". This will probably make his job much easier because if we pay attention to his words about "water safety and oceans conditions", he can concentrate on all the people at the beach and not just our group because we fail to observe the basic rules of water safety.
Our dive club has the potential to grow into something enjoyable by people of all ages and all skill levels of the various activities we do in and out of the water.
But if we don't start practicing and adhering to the rules of "SAFETY" it has the opposite potential of harming ( perhaps to a lethal extent ) the members who participate.
Finally, I want to thank whoever got the Speargun Shop in Hilo to be a sponser of the club. The more sponsers, the more the word will get out about Dive Hilo Dive Club.
But I personally don't believe spearguns or hawaiian slings belong at these family outings. If someone wants to hunt, I see nothing wrong with putting a free meal on the kitchen table. But these activities don't belong at family oriented gatherings such as ours. It would only be a question of time before one of the keiki would be injured by one one of these. Surely, hunting and gathering could be done on some other dive outing, and not on our club meeting days.
Well, I've put in my two cents. I'm sure there will be some who agree and others who don't.
I just want everyone, whether you agree or not, to put SAFETY first and foremost in all our minds so that when we gather for our monthly "fun activities" it is always fun. To do otherwise is a formula for disaster.

We get out of life......What we put into it
Great post, Chili

I totally agree with everything you have said, and all of it needs to be repeated at each and every outing. I also believe in "full veto rights" which allows any one part of a team to stop the dive and return to a team.
We missed you, Chili, and your proactive stance on safety. I hope you can be there on our next meeting. perhaps a "safety minute" before anyone goes in the water would be in order as well as reinforcing everyones responsability to the rest of the group to keep an eye out fo all the others. I have to admit, that once I came out of the water I didn't give a thought to watching what was going on with the folks remaining out there, and I know better.

There were parents far out in the Ocean, and I'm not sure if anyone was watching their children who were playing near the shore. Hopefully it was not just somthing just taken for granted. As it turned out we were all lucky; we just got a freebie wake up call.

Just my two bits.


"The truth is more important than the facts"
--Frank Lloyd Wright__

Edited by - bill on 10/03/2006 11:33:36

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