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TMT "concerned" about "inaction"
I wonder if TMT leaves they could sue the State to reimburse them for lawyer fee’s for the countless years it took them to work this out in Court. I worry what happens if the “protectors” win...what would be their next target?

Living the life in Cali and Hawai‘i
Living the life in Cali and Hawai‘i
I think everyone with half a brain on this island ALSO are concerned about the inaction. Maybe even more than concerned, it's just all so bizarre and most likely due to a covert money grab. It's off the charts embarrassing for the Big Island to treat our guests the international astronomy community with so little respect. We are shocked to blatantly watch the rule of law being ignored and the governor and mayor do absolutely nothing intelligent or productive about it. Is enabling ignorant bullies of any remote significance in their eyes?

If this protest had any merit whatsoever we could possibly understand the inaction, but it has zero merit. With the history of astronomy being highly esteemed throughout the islands this protest is dysfunctional at best. Talk about a culture collectively shooting themselves in the foot.
the governor and mayor do absolutely nothing intelligent or productive

They'll get voted out in the next election FOR SURE!
absolutely nothing intelligent or productive

Big Island mayor
Hawaii governor
MK Access Road protestors

Peas in a pod. Perhaps it’s a professional courtesy?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
The Canary Islands option is a bunch of fluff. In all reality, it is not a truly viable option. There is no other location on the planet that can equal the access to research Maunakea offers. Add to that the location exists in what some believe to be the good 'ol USA. The consortium, along with the construction industry of Hawaii are hell bent to get this built on Maunakea. A report came out today that the atmosphere of the canary islands -- while great for astronomy -- does not equal the amounts of true research that could be completed on Maunakea. Had the Canary islands been such a viable option, they would have moved already.
Perhaps more "listening sessions" to "determine the need"...
" Otherwise, what was the point, a massive paperwork shuffling project for government workers?"

Is this not their M.O.? Billable hours, justifying growing the Gov. and covering pensions?

"watch the rule of law being ignored and the governor and mayor do absolutely nothing intelligent or productive about it"

Have been doing just that for a long time. Along with watching them become less involved in improving community and representing their own constituents. Most represent status quo because they know you won't do anything constructive about it.

Chunkster posts...

"In case you hadn't noticed, the rule of law in these parts was tenuous, at best, long before the TMT came along.

We'll hardly notice that it's gone completely."

Boiling frog syndrome... it will be gone if we let it.

And there's the other local syndrome ..... the a'ama crab bucket syndrome .
I know most of you can see how Hawaiians are violating the rule of law by blocking the road.
And I too can see how they have had enough with this State's deceptive practices. This State has LONG been violating laws that matter to them.

So who's the A'ama crab here? Is it the Hawaiians that are demanding the State be held accountable,. The ones that have said you have no more credibility with us or is it all of you ?
No reni, the crab are the kids who get education programs courtesy of the observatories and actually better themselves. Some may even stop speaking pidgin. It's the astronomers who come with class, sophistication, education and big dreams. That's very intimidating to polynesian rednecks.
#19 making a little money for the county if tickets average $100 a piece witch is little low I think that $120,00 plus

With them basically telling TMT, along with any big business to "go pound sand" along with the inaction of the gummit along with them realizing the effects of "over tourism" the islands and the general population Theriein are, well "screwed with no lube".

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