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The CSO was going to be decommissioned anyway and is currently undergoing that process - that won't be reversed because that decision was made way before Ige's plan. The Hokukea has started the process and it doesn't even have a telescope in the dome. If TMT is not built on Mauna Kea other telescopes may still be decommissioned, or not, depending on their funding. Ultimately, if there's no new master lease, all the observatories will be decommissioned and removed by 2033.
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Not sure which of the TMT-related threads I should post this on, but this seemed the most relevant in a kind of non-irrelevant way:
Maunakea protectors express concerns over lack of WiFi and locking Bachman Hall over the weekend"
Shishido claimed that this was the only time that they did not have access to the WiFi.
"So its just so clean-cut, so hard to believe that this is just coincidental, and honestly it feels like they're trying to smoke us out, that they're trying to slightly force us into leaving this building," he said."
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SMH... It's not like someone's gonna build a telescope on the roof if they aren't in the building all weekend.
Why are we coddling these kids?
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Why are we coddling these kids?
There won't be jobs for them when they graduate, so coddling is all they have left.
I hope they enjoy it while it lasts.
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Originally posted by randomq
SMH... It's not like someone's gonna build a telescope on the roof if they aren't in the building all weekend.
Why are we coddling these kids?
Because the only administrators that we can hire/appoint to state agencies are spineless yes-(wo)men who wrap themselves in a fog political correctness to get hired...
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I take strong exception to your generalizations, hikuili. Do you have personal experience that professors do practically nothing? The vast majority of college professors I know (and I know many) are knowledgable in their field and dedicated to their work. And department head jobs are hardly cushy, negotiating departmental politics, overseeing searches and trying to secure financial aid for their students in addition to teaching. If you have evidence to the contrary please state it.
Certainty will be the death of us.
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they are Polynesians...
the 2nd people to find these islands.. YET ALWAYS THINK they have sole entitlement!
real 'Hawaiians' went extinct back about 1300AD, they WERE from the Marquesas Islands, lost all ways of war, lived peacefully for centuries here, before being enslaved tortured and killed off by the invading Tahitians, who then w/time THOUGHT they were Hawaiians... na they are Polynesians in reality
fyi, people have been in Hawaii for ca 1/60,000th the time these islands have been here (1,200 yrs over 80 mil yrs)
NO ONE is indigenous
the 1st people were here in Hawaii for 300-400 yrs (real Hawaiians from Marquesas, ca900AD)
the 2nd people were here for 500 yrs (haole Tahitian invaders ca1200AD, calling their new slaves 'manahune' (w/ a's), meaning 'small worthless person' in Tahitian)
the 3rd people have been here for 242 yrs now (haole white explores Jan1778AD)
fyi, HAOLE means you cant chant that your ancestors are from the aina you stand on... the Hawaiians you see here today fall into this category too... they are all haole
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
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iow... next time you see a pickleheaded TMT kook
call him a f-en Haole! for a change.. I do it weekly, seriously...
teach him something about his ownperceived culture.. we all know they have little interest in saving endangered species let alone learning about a single plant that ISNT a g-damn SE asian 'canoe plant'...
Kamehameha Schools is a big part of the prob... they could have bought the entire island of Lanai for 5% of their holding, yet let a haole mainland computer geek buy the island WITHOUT PROTEST!!!!!!!! NO Protest! ya NONE!
TMT protestor priority is a pickleheaded joke! keeping Hawaii Land in Hawaii hands pfft lol ya right...
ps 19 out of 20 Hawaii citizens voted for statehood in 1959...
and Kauai Kingdom kooks... 'Atooi' rhymes w/ Kauai... like 'ah- two- eye'.... not rhyming w/ Kukui...
read a g-Damn history book about your own culture.. Atooi is phonetic english, just like Apoona, Owhyhee, Aheedo, Mowee, Wahoo, etc.
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
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The TMT protesters might want to get some advice from the indigenous peoples around Ayres Rock, or Uluru, in central Australia. It will soon be closed to climbers because of its sacredness.