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Originally posted by randomq
Who are all the wealthy customers that are going to keep 14 new restaurants afloat in Pahoa? Or will they all have cold-cases for take-out?
Thats a good question considering that KFC couldn't make it.
Presumably the people who are driving to Hilo to eat will go to Pahoa instead. In the press release they said the new Malama market is being patterned off the Foodland in the Ala Moana mall in HNL and they think that people will drive from Hilo to go there. I'll believe that when I see it. Popeyes chicken maybe...
Considering the McDonalds in Keaau has cars lined up in the street to get into the parking lot even in between normal meal times, one guess on who the "real" anchor tenant is. Maybe Burger King will have to stop charging nearly $20 per person to eat. I wonder if they have a urinal?
ETA: Now that Bite Squad and that other outfit is servicing HPP etc people can get all this restaurant food without having to be sober or leave their homes. Some of these restaurants that maybe couldn't make it a few years ago might actually do okay because the old adage "location, location, location" is less relevant. At least there is some variety and not just different sodium levels of Bland Asian Food.
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Originally posted by terracore
Malama is going to have a wine bar with a gourmet foods menu
OMG I can't believe it. A wine bar-Wow. Good luck with that one Malama.
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As long as they have the same prices as the present Malama, I'll continue driving into Hilo or have them delivered from Target using Shipt. And the wine is 25% cheaper across the street at Longs...35% cheaper if you buy 6 or more. I'll pass on the wine bar.
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"the wine is 25% cheaper across the street at Longs"
Long's doesn't have free tastings. Or sell by the glass. Or a menu. I'm not saying a wine bar in Pahoa is a good business idea- but it's definitely not Longs.
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Hilo people have long known that some of the best dining options for east Hawaii exist in Pahoa. The opening of the new spots simply expand an already established Puna-Hilo market. In short, people come to Pahoa simply to eat at Luquins and kaleos. On a related note, Popeye's Louisiana Chicken and Biscuits will bring them from near and far.
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Kaleo's and Luquin's do not impress me despite having tried each several times. Popeye's Chicken, however, will get me back to Pahoa to eat.
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Haven't tried a Popeye's yet. It will be interesting to see what their prices are. I am curious about what they might do to a chicken that gives them their reputation.
A few months ago I pulled into Burger King hungry.... a Whopper meal was almost $12 bucks. I said, no thanks and went to a thai restaurant for about the same price.
Assume the best and ask questions.
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We go to Pahoa for Ning's. We have eaten at Luquin's but the discussions of Kaleo's have turned me off. Having lived in Louisiana for 35 years, I am familiar with Popeye's on their home turf and my wife likes them, but I prefer Church's, which has not made it here.
Finally in HPP
Finally in HPP
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When I was a kid back in the UK, once a month we used to get a bucket meal from the local Kentucky Fried Kitchen (that's what it was called back then) and it was a treat! On one of my first visits to the US back in the early 90s, I stayed in a motel near Albany, NY, and got a Popeyes chicken dinner and thought it was horrible. It came with biscuits which I thought was a weird concept, but I didn't understand the difference between British and US biscuits back then. I didn't like the chicken and I really didn't like the biscuits!
First time having KFC in Hawaii, back in 1994, I thought it was horrible and nothing like what I tasted back in the 80s as a kid in the UK. I guess it all comes down to what you grew up eating and how your taste developed back then.
On the other hand, although I rarely eat burgers, I will never eat a UK burger, even one from McD's. I've tried a couple of times in recent years when I've been back in the UK, and it's like eating unseasoned cardboard. The chips (fries) are better though!
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I used to like KFC, but whatever they have done to their batter it's terrible. I prefer the chicken at the Minit Stop or J Hara's!