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5-0 on Mauna Kea?
Dc88, the anarchists are the people who are camped on Mauna Kea, trashing it and vandalizing structures on it. They are the people at the access road disrupting traffic, having no regard for public safety, convenience, or law and order. They are the people who want to destroy for the pleasure of it.

the anarchists are the people who are camped on Mauna Kea, trashing it and vandalizing structures

That's funny, I was sure the "anarchists" were Ige and Kim.
If the lease is not renewed in 2033 I may lose faith in democracy.
Not to pick nits, but

1. If the lease is not allowed to be renewed, much in the way the TMT is not allowed to be built.

2. It's not a democracy, it's a bunch of old conservative men who don't care if everyone else fails because they already have theirs.
old conservative men who don't care if everyone else fails because they already have theirs.

And whenever there’s a problem, they’re ready, prepared to address the situation head on with a well established solution:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by PaulW

You think Iran wants to destroy/stop a telescope? Even they are way too advanced to think like that.

I was going to point out that the ancient Persians contributed a lot to what we know about modern astronomy but then I remembered how much the less ancient Polynesians used it too and now for some reason we can't have telescopes.

I think my book is broken, did I miss a chapter?
Originally posted by Old Croc

Anarchists? OMG, are there really anarchists around here? I had no idea. How can you tell? Do they wear badges? Hats?
How can you tell? Do they wear badges? Hats?

They post on Punaweb ... often with pseudonyms ...
"Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinkin' badges!"

Sorry. Couldn’t resist!
[Big Grin]
"Dreamcatcher88" wrote:

"TomK- A bit Confused by these so-called deals you write about. Why would these 5 observatories NOT be decommissioned by 2033 if the TMT is NOT built?"

Because the state, for their own reasons, said that five observatories would have to be removed by 2033 if the TMT is built. If the TMT is not built, there is no reason to remove five observatories.

"Would'nt all the observatories including the TMT "IF" built be decommissioned when the land lease expires in 2033?"

As I wrote, if the lease is not renewed, all the observatories would have to be decommissioned.

Aaron -


The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope is scheduled to be decommissioned by the end of 2024, while the fourth telescope, the Very Long Baseline Array, will be removed by the end of 2033.

That was correct before the UH Regents' meeting in November last year. After that meeting, UKIRT was no longer named as the next observatory to be decommissioned and a decision would be made, 2025 IIRC, about which observatories would need to be removed by 2033 - depending on a CDUP which is yet to happen and will likely be part of the lease renewal process. The Trib is using out-of-date and incorrect information which is a shame since they reported on the UH meeting last year so should know the facts.

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