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Why Fireworks?
I'd rather have a neighbor using illegal fireworks than manufacturing

If they couldn’t buy aerials and twizzlers & whatnot, they’d evaporate some kind of petroleum product into pvc pipes for an effectively loud boom. Or maybe launch a few potatoes or flaming wiffle balls filled with a churnin’ burnin’ funk for good measure. People are gonna blow stuff up & make a racket on New Years & the 4th no matter what.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Same-same. As the Big Eye turns...
Originally posted by leilanidude

My dogs have not had a problem with fireworks or gun shots. maybe it is because they were trained by their human to not be afraid? In fact, the black lab gets all excited when she hears a gunshot - thinking she needs to go get the bird.

Originally posted by 2liveque

Originally posted by leilanidude

My dogs have not had a problem with fireworks or gun shots. maybe it is because they were trained by their human to not be afraid? In fact, the black lab gets all excited when she hears a gunshot - thinking she needs to go get the bird.


We hired a professional animal trainer for our last puppy. Like the type of person who's name is on movie credits. It worked! Giving the dog praise and treats whenever there was thunder was initially successful. Then one day I was nearly hit by lightning. The palm next to me caught fire, I was briefly blinded and lost consciousness for a few seconds, it was loud AF. The once-brave dog was also outside near me and has never been the same. We've never had a dog more afraid of loud noises. A complete 180 degree turnaround. When there is lightning/thunder/loud noises she hides in the bathtub and shakes uncontrollably. I think she was close enough that she suffered similar effects that I did but only remembers the noise as the cause. Frankly I don't blame her. I was wearing thick boots when I was outside but her feet were directly touching the ground. I think that is why she goes into the bathtub (She *HATES* baths and has to be dragged to them) it somehow insulates her from the electrical storm. But she doesn't know the difference between thunder and fireworks.

So this is not just a training issue. Dogs can be injured by lightning some distance from it but don't possess the mental abilities to differentiate if the noise or electrical discharge is the cause.

We also had an older dog that has since passed. She couldn't hear much in her old age and loud noises never bothered her when her hearing went- the lightning/thunder did. I understand this is all anecdotal evidence but when I see our dog shivering in the bathtub during fireworks I don't blame the single lightning strike that forever changed her reaction to loud noises, I blame the people shooting off fireworks. And I'm pretty sure that if they were HALF as afraid of the fireworks as my dog is, they would swear to every diety ever invented to never shoot them off again.

Dogs and humans are born with a natural fear of loud noises. The difference between the dogs and us is that we know the fireworks aren't going to hurt us, but dogs don't know they're not going to be blown up. A vet once told me that dogs' ears are so much more sensitive than ours that it causes actual physical pain in their eardrums - plus the fear. That's why I call the loud explosions animal cruelty. My dogs are not afraid of firecrackers or other legal fireworks - just the ridiculous explosions.

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