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Wuhan Corona Virus Coming Soon? (Now Here)
People no longer eat whatever the news media throws at them. Most people have figured out that what you see in the news is carefully selected stories designed to invoke an emotional response to drive public policy. Its not what they tell you its what they aren't telling you.
HIV gene insertions report must be peer reviewed. Although there seems to be some hopeful news that HIV drugs being administered to patients is showing marked improvement of the patients recovery.

Its a fluid situation likely to change as more data comes out over the next few days but still looks serious. Anyone hear of pneumonia symptoms on the islands yet?
journalistic integrity has become,... an oxymoron...

And yet, we can't live with journalists, can't live without them. Unless you "know a guy" we're almost entirely dependent on journalistic sources. The trick, or perhaps it's a challenge* is for each of us to determine the veracity of the information. When a writer reports he heard hoofbeats so there must be zebras in the area, do you pause and wonder whether it might be horses? As ironyak suggested earlier:

+ dig down to primary sources quickly
+ minimizing time in the interpretative layer in favor for the underlying data
+ exercise those analytical skills and spot the questionable evidence and reasoning

* Dan Quayle once said "Our trick, Rush - not a trick, our challenge - our challenge is to make the
American people comfortable..."
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Has anyone else heard about the huge underground bunker being built on the Big Island? I wonder if that one is true or not. It's supposed to be for some event this year...
Today's headlines...

Fears of new virus trigger anti-China sentiment worldwide...
Missteps, state secrecy helped spread farther and faster... Feces may reveal hidden risk of spread...
US troops held in SKorea...
Funerals Banned for Victims...
Authorities threaten to kill pets...
Panic in Hong Kong...
Nurses Threaten To Strike If Borders Aren't Shut...
Africa mobilizes...
Thai medics claim breakthrough?

I don't know if it makes a difference if a story comes from one or the other but hey, I suspect it does, maybe? But no matter...

I read the NY Times, who, by chance reported today..


As New Coronavirus Spread, China’s Old Habits Delayed Fight
At critical turning points, Chinese authorities put secrecy and order ahead of openly confronting the growing crisis and risking public alarm or political embarrassment.

A mysterious illness had stricken seven patients at a hospital, and a doctor tried to warn his medical school classmates. “Quarantined in the emergency department,” the doctor, Li Wenliang, wrote in an online chat group on Dec. 30, referring to patients.

“So frightening,” one recipient replied, before asking about the epidemic that began in China in 2002 and ultimately killed nearly 800 people. “Is SARS coming again?”

In the middle of the night, officials from the health authority in the central city of Wuhan summoned Dr. Li, demanding to know why he had shared the information. Three days later, the police compelled him to sign a statement that his warning constituted “illegal behavior.”

The illness was not SARS, but something similar: a coronavirus that is now on a relentless march outward from Wuhan, throughout the country and across the globe, killing at least 304 people in China and infecting more than 14,380 worldwide.

The government’s initial handling of the epidemic allowed the virus to gain a tenacious hold. At critical moments, officials chose to put secrecy and order ahead of openly confronting the growing crisis to avoid public alarm and political embarrassment.

A reconstruction of the crucial seven weeks between the appearance of the first symptoms in early December and the government’s decision to lock down the city, based on two dozen interviews with Wuhan residents, doctors and officials, on government statements and on Chinese media reports, points to decisions that delayed a concerted public health offensive.

In those weeks, the authorities silenced doctors and others for raising red flags. They played down the dangers to the public, leaving the city’s 11 million residents unaware they should protect themselves. They closed a food market where the virus was believed to have started, but didn’t broadly curb the wildlife trade.

Their reluctance to go public, in part, played to political motivations as local officials prepared for their annual congresses in January. Even as cases climbed, officials declared repeatedly that there had likely been no more infections.

By not moving aggressively to warn the public and medical professionals, public health experts say, the Chinese government lost one of its best chances to keep the disease from becoming an epidemic.

“This was an issue of inaction,” said Yanzhong Huang, a senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations who studies China. “There was no action in Wuhan from the local health department to alert people to the threat.”

The first case, the details of which are limited and the specific date unknown, was in early December. By the time the authorities galvanized into action on Jan. 20, the disease had grown into a formidable threat...

Of course, in the ol' fashion style of actually reporting info (without all that mumble jumble conspiracy to manipulate the reader blah blah blah) the article, available in its entirety at the link above, goes to considerable length to educate its readers to the facts, as the paper's investigative reporters discover them...
New York Times is doing better than most American new sources in regards to investigative reporting in my opinion but you gotta subscribe to read it online and I think the commitment is one year.

While looking for info on the redacted or retracted Indian paper about the engineered HIV inserts, the only one talking about I could find was Alex Jones on Infowars. That's a whole different path of journalism, he's selling storable food while talking about cataclysms. Some of the videos were surprisingly good IMO.
Not trying to add to the information overload, but here is a thread with a thorough rebuttal of the HIV paper. Skim if you want to the conclusion: "there is absolutely no evidence for either (1) sequence insertions or (2) their relationship to HIV."

However there are some intense first-hand accounts coming out of Wuhan. Things are looking ugly, although not a full-scale breakdown of medical services (yet?).
(Note this video appears to have scenes of death, dying, and conflict - the author Fang Bin has posted on Twitter that he was ultimately able to return home)
"It is nearly impossible to get the care they need to treat, or even diagnose, the coronavirus"

randomq - where did you hear about this bunker being built? Is it 3 stories deep and has some clandestine military purpose? Wink

21 vials of what? I bet we never find out.

“Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017“

Some will continue to believe things like this don’t happen. The truth is out there. I suggest everyone read it in it’s entirety. A member of ccp and a lieutenant of the People’s Liberation Army was also involved.
Dr Paul Cottrell Phd, currently at Harvard.

I was interested in the hiv talk on ncov. Fast forward if you don’t want to listen to the entire talk. 14:30 he has something very interesting to say, although this whole video is quite interesting.
I’m a professionally trained virologist (caveat: I specialized in plant viruses) AMA!

Thanks for posting Dr. Cottrell’s talk islandliving.

For anyone wondering about the paper on similarities to gp120 and Gag being retracted - it doesn’t mean their (important to note) unspoken insinuation that 2019-nCov was engineered to contain fragments of HIV is incorrect. There are a lot of reasons it could be retracted and we will soon find out why!

Dr. Cottrell makes some interesting points in his video above, not the least of which is that their were additional insertions aside from the HIV spike/glycoprotein additions and the areas the insertions were found have been previously studied (publications from 2015) from similar strains of coronaviruses with host ranges confined to bats (the virus we now think 2019-nCov originated from).

It’s too soon to say anything for sure, but it looks to me like 2019-nCov was engineered in a lab.

islandlvng - 14:30 he has something very interesting to say
Dr Paul Cottrell Phd - "It's for sure, in my humble opinion, that Wuhan strand was bio-engineered by bat SARS and its derivatives"

Yeah, that's a pretty bold (and somewhat nonsensical) statement backed up by theories and working hypotheses from a Financial Chaotician. Note today he is saying that Event 201 (the pandemic exercise held last fall) was a hint at the date 2/1 when N.Y. would announce testing of a nCov patient so that "whoever does this stuff" can signal their group or the public to "allow their karma ... their source of energy to happen."

So yeah - chew on that for a bit.

How's playing the market going islandlvng? The protective financial measures China put into place going to hinder any plans to ching, ching, ching, cash in on this tragedy?

rainyjim - It’s too soon to say anything for sure, but it looks to me like 2019-nCov was engineered in a lab.
Thoughts on the enormous numbers of matches in the pBLAST results and justification for only choosing the HIV overlaps supported by only handful of amino acids, often times with gaps?

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