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Wuhan Corona Virus Coming Soon? (Now Here)
A pamphlet, really? Everyday we get new info which changes the game. It'll be obsolete before they finish printing.

Information provided by Civil Defense will be primarily what you need to know

I wonder who got the contract to design/print the pamphlet?
Originally posted by Punatic007

A pamphlet, really? Everyday we get new info which changes the game. It'll be obsolete before they finish printing.

Its nice to see something somewhat proactive.
... an informational pamphlet is being developed...

A pamphlet is nice, but don’t we need more? I’d suggest the County play “Don’t Stand So Close To Me” by the Police on the public address system at Hilo International Airport, and every hour on the hour through those cool new civil defense warning siren speakers:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
A pamphlet? What century are we in? Who makes these decisions? Can we rename this area backwardsville?


In all seriousness, I would like to know what the DOH’s plan is in case of an (local) epidemic. There’s not enough beds or wards to quarantine that many people at al on the island. Geographical isolation is our friend here, but if for whatever reason the virus does show up we might need to re-evaluate our strategies beforehand given the response (or lack thereof) to emergencies we have seen in the recent past.
Ah yes, geographic isolation. I'll see you at Walmart.
"... an informational pamphlet is being developed..."

Yes, and this being Hawaii, it will be ready a year after the epidemic is over and will cost three times the original budget.
Yes, and this being Hawaii, it will be ready a year after the epidemic is over

You got that right Chunkster.
Some years back a large and destructive hurricane was headed for a direct hit on East Hawaii. An information sheet in a plastic bag was prepared by the County or Civil Defense for door to door delivery. The hurricane changed course before the workers came to my home. The workers insisted I take the outdated information AND evacuate. When I asked if they had heard the latest weather forecast, that the hurricane would pass hundreds of miles away, they still insisted I take their prepared handout. AND YOU MUST EVACUATE.

I didn’t evacuate. I made my decision based on NOAA’s up to the minute forecast. We were no longer in the path of the storm, we weren’t even in the cone at that point. The information sheet was printed in full color.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
what the DOH’s plan is in case of an (local) epidemic

DOH plans to apply for Federal disaster funding so that the "right people" can enjoy unlimited overtime now and a nice bump in their pension later.

Never forget that our County and State work for themselves.
In case of outbreak the standard procedure is Isolation and distancing.
Medical help will obviously be provided until that becomes overwhelmed and then of course they will setup something in the High school gymnasiums for people.. Others will stay at home.
At a certain point it could very well get to the point where there is no help coming.


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