Having run, several times, into it being said that COVID-19 is less virulent [or whatever] in warmer climates, I began looking further into it.
The question is still open in my mind, but loosing credibility fast.
Then, I ran into this web page:
One of the links on the page led to a hint that NSAIDS may exacerbate COVID-19.
[March 16, 2020
expert reaction to reports that the french health minister recommended use
of paracetamol for fever from COVID-19 rather than ibuprofen or cortisone]
What I got from this is that NSAIDS may cause problems with COVID-19 when used as fever suppressants.
This seems a reasonable assumption with the correlation between inflammation and COVID-19.
Many NSAIDS are used as anti-inflammatories.
I have been using the NSAID meloxicam as an very effective arthritis anti-inflammatory.
Since I had instituted my [perceived] regimen to bolster my immune response in preparation for the arrival of COVID-19, My arthritic joint pains have all but dissipated.
I am no longer using the meloxicam to make life easier when working out in the yard.
I do not seem to need it anymore.
My reaction is based on nothing more than my anecdotal experience.
Plus, I am a firm believer in results being as effective as proven methods.
As far as I'm concerned, a placebo doing the job is as good as any prescribed method, as long as it works.
I think this may be a possibility.
I trust my regimen to do its job much more than I trust garlic to do what is hoped of it.
I have no interest in anyone's disbelief in my experience, only in where it goes for me.