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Wuhan Corona Virus Coming Soon? (Now Here)
Originally posted by Frank

Originally posted by kalakoa

it’s OK (or very soon will be) to buy and wear a face mask

Almost as if the guidance was changing to match profitability. It's not like the scientific principles underlying disease outbreak management are different than they were a month ago. We were supposed to have strategic reserves, too, where did that money go?

bold by me...All of that money, from the past 11 years, was Stolen and Squandered by this administration for who knows what. Yep that is what happened

So how does "this administration" that has been in charge for 3 years, steal money from the past 11 years...
You are making a joke right leilanidude? Dry, stone face, standup comedy.. you're a natural. Have you ever tried open mic night?

As it is, I think even they've been shuttered for the duration. But brah, please let us know when the pestilence passes I am sure many would love to come out and join you to celebrate. Let us know as soon as you fix a date.

And if you could get PaulW to join you.. omg I laughed so much yesterday afternoon. All that mask humor. Priceless.
hokuili - All that mask humor. Priceless.

Well, here's the master class in how to perpetrate a joke on the world. WHO's on first indeed...

(Warning: lots of well documented words - may take several minutes of sustained effort and concentration)
Deputy PM of Japan Taro Aso says the WHO should be renamed, CHO, the China Health Organization.
Originally posted by ironyak

[Well, here's the master class in how to perpetrate a joke on the world. WHO's on first indeed...

The problem with authoritative sources like the WHO is, when you look at the individuals in charge, like Dr Tedros, who is not a real MD btw.. Was a part of the TPLF terror organization in Rwanda in the 90's. I seriously have to wonder how we end up with these kinds of people giving advice the levels of stupidity is endless.

Sure someone will reply back defending a terrorist and tell me how wrong I am.

OK, this one’s tough.
Don’t read it if you’re tired or had a rough day.

FEMA is looking for 100,000 body bags. They can only get 50,000 from the Pentagon:

“If this were a terrorist threat, we would have declared war on whatever group was responsible for it back in January.” - Oona Hathaway
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Face masks, supply & demand, and pure capitalistic greed is sending our supply overseas:

By the end of the day, roughly 280 million masks from warehouses around the U.S. had been purchased by foreign buyers and were earmarked to leave the country, according to the broker — and that was in one day.

To his knowledge none of the masks had been purchased by buyers in the U.S.

Remington told me that his focus now is to try to sell masks to federal agencies like FEMA, responsible for securing PPE so the items can go directly to the states that will distribute to hospitals, but it’s been challenging to close a deal and the number of “middle men” in the negotiations keeps rising.

“Many people are marking up the prices in the middle,” he said. “People are just trying to make as much money as possible.”

“If this were a terrorist threat, we would have declared war on whatever group was responsible for it back in January.” - Oona Hathaway
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I found an industrial place online offering to sell their stockpiled masks at cost. I asked how much to buy 1,000 or 10,000 to donate to HMC. He said they would only sell in quantities of 500,000! No wonder there are middle men! I imagine you'd need a pretty big network of hospitals to justify that order.
kander - Dr Tedros, who is not a real MD btw.. Was a part of the TPLF terror organization in Rwanda in the 90's. - Sure someone will reply back defending a terrorist and tell me how wrong I am.

Not to go too far afield, but I'll take you up on that Smile Wasn't the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) focused on taking control of the government in Ethiopia? (which they did in the early 1990s) I haven't seen anything about their actions in Rwanda, but this is definitely not my bailiwick.

As for terrorism, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter? (apparently already a cliche by the 1940s) Trees of liberty and blood of tyrants (Jefferson), rather die standing up than live on my knees (Che Guevara), etc... Hard to be the (great grand)children of the revolution and cast dispersion at others' struggles for freedom?

Oh - yeah, there is still virus from Wuhan out there. Stay safe - argue from a distance Wink
"pure capitalistic greed"

Capitalism has a role to play in this. Store "A" sells toilet paper for a dollar per roll. The first 10 people in the store buy all the toilet paper and nobody else can get any. Store "B" sells toilet paper for $20 per roll. Everybody who comes to the store only buys what they need and there is enough toilet paper for everybody.

Of course, there is store "C" who charges regular price and limits the amount a person can purchase. But that causes people to go to the store more frequently and risk spreading the disease. Imagine how COVID would of passed through the bread lines of the USSR.

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