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tighten your belts!!!!!
Mmmm. Haoleboy? I dunno. Not to be cantankerous or anything, but I think what you're seeing here is evidence of people right here in sleepy ol' Puna who love their country very very much; people who are convinced that it could do far far better, people who want to be proud of their home for reasons other than blind allegiance. People who would prefer to fight for a big ol' world without the us/them mentality.

The alternative, the constant carnage, has simply gotta stop.

The end

Blow! the Great-one whispered in the night
and suddenly the darkness burst its seams
revealing colors heretofore unknown:
a screeching-turquoise/white, magenta/green

that rolled across the desert to the sea,
so glassy-calm/pacific till the word
ripped mountain ranges from their liquid bed
and launched us roaring/soaring through the fog

encircling the sphere we’ve occupied
together through the ages, till this day.
While gripping sheets of driving/blinding rain
and riding bolts of lightning past the sun,

we blink back tears of disbelief and awe.
Dear allah/jesus/abraham? Who won?



Edited by - malolo on 10/31/2006 06:06:07
Go ahead and elect Hillary. She alread said that she feels that we should be taxed at a 50% rate.
You forgot to say Democrats TAX, TAX, TAX, TAX. BTW isn't the DJ over 12000?????
Don't know about you but but my 401K is smokin' hot.

pretty good on those GOP bullet points, but you forgot to mention 'Gay Marriage", or does that come later?
The Dems have already said they are not gonna go tax crazy. I expect them just to make adjustments, and not much else. But if those "adjustments" mean going after Bush's upper 2% of buddies who enjoyed his tax cuts while most of middle class America worked two jobs to make ends be it!

Why has Bush decided to put HIS war on the backs of the poor in America. What happened to Iraqi oil paying for the war? Why is this Admin. such puppets to the Royal Saudi Family? We also have so much coal in this country, why aren't we using it? The Nazis did good with it back in WWII.

The bottom line is that the GOP is scared shitless. GW Bush has done absolutely nothing for the country while in office. If you all think his tax cuts was special...I got news for you! I mean how many people in Puna reaped the rewards of Bush's tax cuts? Getting back $300.00 is not my idea of a break!

Again, it took the GOP 12 years to ruin this country! It took the Dems over 40 to do that. It's time for a change, and the mid-terms is our chance to be heard!
Thank you Hurricane Katrina! It took this natural diaster to really expose Bush to this country! But then again, he was elected twice to the oval office!! But I don't think America will make that mistake again!

I'm not sure Hillary is the Dems best bet either in 08. But she sure scares the pants off the GOP & FoxNews.
My choice for the nomination is Honolulu's own Barrack Obama. This guy has it all!

OBAMA in 2008


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Yah I like Obama also - since my favorite Colin Powell got fed up with the knuckleheads and took his toys and went home.

As an interesting cultural reference point for all this, I would like to note that Merle Haggard has been an outspoken opponent of the current war in Iraq. The song "Fightin' Side of Me" was written a loooong time agi (maybe over 20 years.)


Edited by - JerryCarr on 10/31/2006 08:20:03
was wondering how long it would take to pull out the ole "love it or leave it" slogan?

was wondering how long it was going to take to pull out the ole "we were attacked in NY by the terrorists(who were saudis), that's why we attacked iraq" slogan?

Who cares where they were born they are all Islamic fighting a holy war against us.
And I never said anything about that’s why we went to war, I don’t believe in it.
What you didn’t read between the lines, was a friend of mine that was a NYC fire fighter.
That’s right, running up the stairs of the WTC as it crashed down on him.
You know what, they never found him…nothing to bury….no closure for his family.
For those of you who want to use slogans as propaganda and didn’t smell the fire from the WTC , or see
the smoke from you house, maybe you should have,
because it might just change your mind on what needs to be done to stop Terrorists
actions on our homeland.
It's ok tap my phone.......

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Yes it is Halloween tonight. All the goblins are out and about.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
"Who cares where they were born they are all Islamic fighting a holy war against us."

Against us, against us, against us. Hmmmm. Y'know you've almost got me convinced, Kahunascott. In fact, hey! I've got an idea. Whaddya say you and I figure out a way go topple India and Indonesia as well?! They've each got an enormous Muslim population.

Don't get me wrong, Sir.
I am truly very sorry for your loss.
But blaming/brutalizing/extinguishing our planetmates doesn't help a bit.

We all experience loss. In fact there are those among us who have had to cope with the premeditated murders of friends and/or relatives right here in peaceful ol' Puna.

Do we hop on a plane and take out our frustrations on...hell I dunno...the folks in Vancouver?

Probably not.

We process our grief.
We try to forgive.
We try our damnedest to see the good in others.
And we figure out ways to work out our differences with "the enemy."


Edited by - malolo on 10/31/2006 16:24:35
Who cares where they were born they are all Islamic fighting a holy war against us.

news flash: bush started the iraq war, we invaded them!

if the warmonger in chief would have went after the few thousand(maybe hundreds?)who were angry at the u.s. for it's policies in the mideast(proping up regimes like the saudis)then you wouldn't have created millions of people who hate the u.s. if the warmonger in chief hadn't allowed (and still does)torture maybe the world would still have some respect for the U.S. if the warmonger in chief had just used the system in place to spy on the terrorists, instead of thinking himself above the laws of this country,then maybe he wouldn't be so despised. and if that isn't enough he has to use fear against his own people, and guess what, it didn't have to be this way.
the bush/cheney tag team has destroyed what this country has stood for and it's time to take this country back, aloha!!

"I mean sheesh...the Stones won't be in Honolulu for another three weeks or so...Thanksgiving weekend...and I for one am gonna be sooooo bloody thankful:"

Sorry, Malolo, but the Rolling Stones concert has been cancelled. Hmmm, wonder if we can make a political connection...

It must be Bush's fault!


"The Stones, I love the Stones. I watch them whenever I can. Fred, Barney..." -
Steven Wright
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins


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