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tighten your belts!!!!!
Tax cuts worked for me they spurred the economy and I’m doing well in the market.
Maybe you should have bought Halliburton when I did.
And as far as spying, how do you defend your people from an enemy that hides among women and children and blow up innocent people? I was living 20 miles from the World Trade Center when they were attacked. My sister was working in mid town Manhattan that day as well. Maybe, just maybe if we spied on those TERRORISTS a few thousand AMERICANS would be alive today. And we wouldn't be at war at all.

Am I to assume you are part of Bush's upper 2% that benefitted from those tax cuts for the wealthy? You can't possibly be talking about Bush's $300.00 rebate a few years back? That was just a ploy to stimulate to economy at the time!

Yes, yes, 9/11 was tragic! But I hate to tell you, we are in the wrong place if we are looking for those responsible for 9/11.....oh but that's right, Afghanistan has no oil does it, nor does North Korea.

Perhaps if the GOP wasn't so worried about where Willie Clinton was dipping his Presidential Pen, 9/11 would have never happened. Actually if we change our foreign policy, I'm sure we wouldn't have to worry about muslim extrememist at home.


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Please, someone clear the smoke from the room.
I am not a republican! Never was. I am right of center but do not vote a party line. Yes I am a conservative but I vote for the best candidate in my opinion whatever party.
So lets see, I don’t believe in war, or a lot of other right wing issues so don’t categorize me. We should have never invaded Iraq.
Everyone keeps talking about the $300 tax refund and it’s only $300. What can you do with only $300?
Once again for those of you who weren’t listening,
The DJ, S&P and NASDAQ are all at RECORD
LEVELS…..That’s what a tax break does.
I’m sorry for those of you who don’t invest and miss the boat but when a humble investor like me can turn, 18, 17 and this year will be close to 20% returns on my investments over the last 3 years someone is doing
something right. Hey Beachboy, if that was just a ploy to stimulate the economy at the time.
I guess I’m in the right place at the right time.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Yes. 'Tis true. Many of us are doing a wee bit better in the market these days Kahunascott, but I dunno how much if it has anything to do with that $300 tax cut. Any extra money I got all year seems to have gone towards filling my tiny little car up with gas.

No "Simpatia por El Diablo" here, I'm afraid.

Ah, Ben Graham, Jr. . . . er, Kahunascott, the NASDAQ is nowhere near it's high. That would've been 5048.62 on March 10th 2000 . . . coincidentally (or not) during the presidency immediately preceding that of the Shrub. As of today's close - 2334.35 - it is a mere 53.8% below that number.

I usually keep my political and economic howlings to myself, or at least to myself and mella , but I've had it up to here with all aspects of the current administration and its enabling lemmings in congress.

Tt is particularly infuriating to me as a veteran to listen to the bellicose Iraq prattlings of right-wing chickenhawks. These are the individuals - OVERWHELMINGLY Republican - who, in their middle age, can't wait to commit the US armed forces to elective wars at the drop of a hat . . . as long said armed forces do not require the services of them or theirs, of course.

Curiously, 35 years ago when these same lower case Napoleons actually had the opportunity to put theory into practice themselves, a vast majority decided what the country really needed was more law school applicants instead.

Either that or Texas needed protection from the anticipated invasion from Oklahoma.




Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

"I've been on food stamps and welfare, did anybody help me out? No." - Craig T. Nelson
The fact remains that the DOW is at all time highs. I know many here love to hate corporate America but the fact that companies are doing well has also meant that unemployment numbers are very low. GNP numbers are also very solid. Hate the war - OK BUT the economy is in good shape and I think that the current administration can take some of the credit because of tax breaks and other policies.


DiveHilo Dive Club Website:

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
Yawn! Can't you folks find somehwere else to yammer about money? Once upon a time in Puna money wasn't the main topic of interest. There was something about life in Hawaii that transcended mere money or the need to discuss it endlessly.

I find all the bubble talk and the money talk and the price of gas in Morocco talk moronic.

If I get really bored with it it might all just disappear. All the mainland money and political yammer puts me in a mainland mood (bad). :-(

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Once upon a time in Puna money wasn't the main topic of interest. There was something about life in Hawaii that transcended mere money or the need to discuss it endlessly.

Ha! I remember those days, Rob.
Pre Cosecha-Verde, yah?

Althoughhhhhhh, to be honest, even way back then I recall people discussing ad nauseum the issues impacting their lives.

In those days, prior to the internet and all, we'd just stroll out of the room for a bit, talk to someone else maybe, check out the stars, the waves, think about fixing the hole in the roof perhaps -- if we weren't all that into whatever the topic at hand may have been.

I fully realize I'm only one wee voice here under the ohias, but personally I'm fascinated to learn what my neighbors (and former-neighbors and soon-to-be-neighbors and wanna-be-neighbors) have to say about stuff.

(I mean, alot of 'em are just plain dead wrong of course, since they don't believe as I do...ha!...but I'm fascinated just the same.)

Thanks for providing a place where I can learn -- not only about food, families, activities, earthquakes, amphibians, insects, and such -- but other topics as well.

Well said Rob! There seems to be a competetive nature (with some members) in expressing our current woes, failings and impending doom. I suppose I feel some sympathy for these folks, but I'm grateful that I live in a completely different world!

Aloha (especially to those with a cloud over their heads)

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” -
Winston Churchill

“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

"but I'm grateful that I live in a completely different world"

amen and aloha

Well said, Rob. When I first stumbled upon PunaWeb nearly a year ago I was very happy. Here was a place where people like me were discussing the trials and tribulations of living in/moving to/considering Puna. I loved hearing from those brave enough to take on the daunting task of building their own homes or taking a leap of faith to move here. I loved hearing about everything loved and not so loved about Puna. I loved telling my husband every day, 'you'll never guess what I learned on PunaWeb today...' Lately, though, it seems like a handful of people with negative attitudes have changed the vibe and original intention of this forum. To me it speaks volumes that those I enjoy hearing from most avoid these political discussions completely.

Of course there is the issue of free speech, but if you insist on constantly discussing politics, then why not start your own political forum?

Just my 2 cents.


Edited by - Jody on 11/02/2006 06:17:46

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