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tighten your belts!!!!!

Everyone keeps talking about the $300 tax refund and it’s only $300. What can you do with only $300?
Once again for those of you who weren’t listening,
The DJ, S&P and NASDAQ are all at RECORD
LEVELS…..That’s what a tax break does.
I’m sorry for those of you who don’t invest and miss the boat but when a humble investor like me can turn, 18, 17 and this year will be close to 20% returns on my investments over the last 3 years someone is doing
something right. Hey Beachboy, if that was just a ploy to stimulate the economy at the time.
I guess I’m in the right place at the right time.

yeah you're right the markets are currently enjoying an upward swing. But how does the market work? ON SPECULATION, that's how!! With the Mid-terms days away, and America ready for a's reflected in the market!!! That's why NYSE, NASDAQ, etc, are all enjoying these past few weeks! For someone who's suppose to be market savy, you should know that, right?


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
There is nothing worse than over-cooked okra.
I never (purposely) read threads about over-cooked okra.

If it turns out I accidently click on a thread that is ambiguously labelled, and I find out two or three posts into the discussion that it has to do with overcooked okra? I immediately click away...

...and I read instead those threads that happen to interest me far more...

...but then again, I'm admittedly pretty damn weird.
(Comes with living in Puna for ages!)

Well said Rob! There seems to be a competetive nature (with some members) in expressing our current woes, failings and impending doom. I suppose I feel some sympathy for these folks, but I'm grateful that I live in a completely different world!

Aloha (especially to those with a cloud over their heads)

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” -
Winston Churchill

making people aware of the current fiscal situation isn't necessarily a bad thing. Why do so many feel that imitating an osterich(putting head in sand) is the answer to the worlds woes? I hate to say it, but apathy will never correct a on going problem,especially if it deals with our national deficit, or if the problem is in your own backyard!


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Well said, Rob. When I first stumbled upon PunaWeb nearly a year ago I was very happy. Here was a place where people like me were discussing the trials and tribulations of living in/moving to/considering Puna. I loved hearing from those brave enough to take on the daunting task of building their own homes or taking a leap of faith to move here. I loved hearing about everything loved and not so loved about Puna. I loved telling my husband every day, 'you'll never guess what I learned on PunaWeb today...' Lately, though, it seems like a handful of people with negative attitudes have changed the vibe and original intention of this forum. To me it speaks volumes that those I enjoy hearing from most avoid these political discussions completely.

Of course there is the issue of free speech, but if you insist on constantly discussing politics, then why not start your own political forum?

Just my 2 cents.

Edited by - Jody on 11/02/2006 06:17:46

it's great you feel that way Jody. But it's like I tell all my "Anal Rententive Buddies",from the right. If you don't want you kids to watch certain things on TV, change the channel! That can also be applied to different threads too, right? If you don't like the topic....move on to the next one!

We now live in a Country that is more devided than any time in my life. Because of that, I feel the need to be like a sponge, and absorb as much knowledge as possible whether I agree with topic or not.

Jody, unfortunately our great country is all messed up right now because we have a'Dirt Farmer' from Crawford messing things up. We also have a very shifty, Linda Dingle. a GOP member who currently has pulled to wool over the eyes of the state sheep!

Why does the truth have to be negative too? Not everybody thinks the way you do, or the way I do for that matter. Who's to say what's right and what's wrong?



Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Beachboy- it's like when my 3 and 6-yr-olds are having temper tantrums- I always tell them 'stop screaming, calm down and then we can talk about it. Instead of screaming and yelling about it, do something to fix the situation.'

It's not about the truth being negative, it's all about the attitude. I was just agreeing with Rob and pointing out that some of the aloha has left the forum. I never said what was 'right or wrong'- obviously we all have different opinions. I choose to express my political opinion on Tuesday and not on this forum.


Edited by - Jody on 11/02/2006 09:19:31

Edited by - Jody on 11/02/2006 09:20:38
So now I'm a chickenhawk?
That's ok I just enjoy jousting with the left.
And as far as PC Aloha Spirt ALL THE TIME,
you have to go to that other web site on the west side for that.
I never thought I would agree with Beachboy but this is an open fourm and tuning in is up to you.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
An lot of spin on this subject.
Are you better off today then you were 8 years ago?

I would have to say yes that I am better off today then I was 8 years ago and that was due to meeting a wonderful women getting married and making some good deals in real estate. Our stocks have gone up but nothing like real estate did. I don't think this had anything to do with this administration or any other. It's the market forces
What about your prospects in the next 8?

Personally I prefer an economy that is fueled by plowshares and not by swords. So I vote that way to.

This article struck me as ever so slightly relevant. If it's true that some among us are making a killing, either in real estate or the market, are we making a point to give back I wonder?

I've got a sneaking suspicion that none of us are gazillionaires, but many of us regardless of personal circumstances could certainly take a lesson from Carnegie, Branson, Gates, and Buffet.

Giving Back, Big Time: Today's billionaires are heeding Carnegie's idea that 'the man who dies rich dies disgraced.'


Edited by - malolo on 11/02/2006 12:08:46
Well, I don't have that much wealth, but we try to give back. For example, our company has committed to sponsoring almost 30 people for KHON's Lokahi project for Christmas. And I always donate toys to the Nanawale Community Association's Christmas party for the kids. Its a little thing, but all of us, no matter our station in life, can give SOMETHING for those that are less fortunate.

My favorite thing, every year (and it brings tears to my eyes without fail) is seeing all those burly bikers collecting Toys for Tots and cycling around Wal-Mart. Although, the giant burly bikers with Barbies on their handlebars give me a chuckle.

John Dirgo, RA, ABR, e-PRO
Island Trust Properties, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
Have done rides every year for a while (no bikes right now) and have to say those guys have the biggest hearts when it comes to kids. I have never been to a rally or ride where I walked away from my bike and worried whether it would be okay. I don't even worry if my saddle bags are unlocked...just a code of honor. Thanks for mentioning this very worthy yearly cause, John.

P.S. And bikers are doing rallies all year around for the kids as well.


"To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater." Bono

Edited by - Carolann R on 11/02/2006 17:45:05

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

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