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Gardening in Puna
count me in
May be Rob can create another folder or forum for the Gardening in Puna. It seems that a lot of people are interest in this category of discussion. I have seen many postings relating to garderning in the Punaweb, the Building in Puna,and the Non-classified section. It is hard to follow the thread this way.

canh Le
Hi, Count me in! We had a talk in class today by an EA/EIS reviewer from the state Office of Environmental Quality Control, and she pointed out this publication on Native Hawaiian Gardening that their office has online "How to plant a Native Hawaiian Garden" at:
Aloha, Carey

Hey Rob, thought I'd bring this forward and ask: Any thought about making a separate page/category for Gardening???

Thanks for the great link Carey !!


count me in to. I have 25+ years working in vetegable seeds in the north america and plan of having some thing to do with seeds or farming when we move to Puna.

We live on Kaloli, near 130, and have been here for a year and a half. I just started a small garden plot similar to the one mentioned above in Volcano. I weed-wacked the growth, layered newspaper and cardboard, covered it with an old reed fence to decompose for a few weeks. I just covered it in a load of black cinder yesterday. I plan to get green waste from the transfer station for the next layer, then another layer of cinder-soil. I've been making compost since we moved here, so I'll add that in. I think I'll be ready to plant a garden by the end of this month.


Edited by - chip on 03/02/2007 08:50:31

Just came across this list of nurseries. I had no idea there were so many!

I remember someone telling to me put all my dish water and washer water into a separate tank and that it was great to use for fruit trees especially bananas. Is this safe since you have detergent and such in this water? Isnt this getting absorbed into the root system of the same things we are going to eat?I am still in Maine only dreaming about my summer garden at the moment.Wish I was there now


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