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Lava Ocean Adventures aboard the LavaKat
haole boy,

my aloha? hope not, and sorry if i bummed anyone out....


Well gosh, here I am in Puna wondering whats new with viewing the lava with Shawn, which I have done, and now I find that I went and put myself in terrible danger......and lived.

Now I have to admit that I didn't do all that much research; I'm kind of a upfront sort of a guy, so approached Shawn with my questions and was comfortable with his answeres. I took the trip.

Well, I'm sure glad that I didn't read this thread first.

What a cool trip! What a great collection of photo's I have of somthing most people will never see in their lifetime!

Guess I'm just another "Loony Tune"


"Be kind whenever possible; it is always possible"
-Dalai Lama-
Wish i could be an expert on someplace i've never been before and know all about da culture/life/business/etc.!!! I imagine it takes a special knack. I've been here 3 yrs. and i'm still learning. Am wondering why they even bother visiting here and more importantly won't Jersey miss them ???

Wish i could be an expert on someplace i've never been before and know all about da culture/life/business/etc.!!! I imagine it takes a special knack. I've been here 3 yrs. and i'm still learning. Am wondering why they even bother visiting here and more importantly won't Jersey miss them ???

Wow, thanks for the compliment. I never said I was an expert, but if you think I'm an expert, and you've been there for three years, why, that either means that you really don't pay much attention to your environment, or I must be a really astute reader. Maybe that's why I spend so much time reading and learning about a place before I go there, including the history, because it seems that the residents don't bother to invest that sort of time. Heck, the guy who posted before you went out on the boat and doesn't even know that the captain's name was Shane, not Shawn. He's real cognizent!


Edited by - outsideobserver on 04/03/2007 08:54:46

Got anymore "aloha" advice or info? You appear to be an expert in aloha, and I'm thirsty for knowledge.

No amount of warm reception is a substitute for actions and equipment which potentially place human life in peril. While we're on this note of "aloha", did you all get to go view the lava "gratis", or did you fork out the $150 "kama'aina" rate? The competitor you think I am shilling for has a more seaworthy 28" foot vessel of recent construction specifically purchased and outfitted for these excursions, no doubt at great expense to himself, and his price is $125. It's on his website. How's that for the "Kama'aina" rate?
Now who's really extending "Aloha?" and who's just going "ka ching!"

For the record, this is the end of the line for me with this forum. Life is too busy for me right now to keep this up, and while the ocean is sweet, Jersey is not the greatest place in the world. It's full of people from New Jersey. Why do you think I left here over twenty years ago and started traveling and living all over? How hilarious that you all think I'm somehow deluded with myself- everybody is absolutely full of it to an extent, and I'm no exception. I do have to give Puna it's props however, at least you uphold the First Amendment here. It seems there are places on other boards where people who live in places like Oahu will gang up and flag any post which disagrees with their political ideology or Disney-Like image of Hawaii they want to portray to themselves and the world. That is very dangerous. Another reason why I chose the Big Island for my virst visit- I'm not even changing planes in HNL, coming straight to KOA.
So, peace out peeps, and while you're all living there in your quest to make a paradise for yourselves, don't forget that you came from somewhere else first, you're still visitors to someone else's backyard.

Edited by - outsideobserver on 04/04/2007 00:00:09

Edited by - outsideobserver on 04/04/2007 00:20:58
Flying! I understand that can be dangerous. Better do some research and read up on the airlines and KOA. And don't forget to investigate your pilot and flight crew.


"The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything."
Friedrich Nietzsche
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

Hey Outsideobserver -- do you work for AIG? I work for Risk enterprise Management LTD, a TPA which is owned by Zurich. Are you in claims? Just curious.

"For the record, this is the end of the line for me with this forum. Life is too busy for me right now to keep this up, and while the ocean is sweet,"


now back to one of the most freindly "notorous captains'" shane, the lava tour specialist(next to his dad of course, who just a week ago took out the discovery channel guys).

Outsideobserver, please stay. Your stuff is too ridiculous to be anything but tongue-in-cheek. I've enjoyed the humor.

Just wait 'till Shane opens a skydiving operation. Holy smokes will that be a thread.....


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