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Mailboxes in HPP
Jade, I think I get your point now. I was having difficulty understanding what you were getting at. Yes, I would think the USPS would prefer to get the mailbox revenue and not have to spend on the necessary delivery people that would be needed if they could avoid it.

And I was going to say that I thought the 1 Stop Mail Shop in Pahoa was still a going concern. I saw a lot of people in line out the front door recently. Kevin, I think someone recently posted a link that made it appear that your business was up for sale. It might also be that you moved from one side of the building to the other, at least the front door did, and the old space is empty.
Yes I have it listed for sale, not fail....anywho, I am working on street signage permit this week, should help clear up where I am exactly located on the premisis. I have really great things happening here for the business, I listed it to see what kind of interest I would get, also had different plans at the time, but things changed so the plan changed.

Kevin Costello & Meghan Wobles
Kevin Costello & Meghan Wobles
Keven, sorry to imply earlier that your business had failed. I didn't realize you had moved and assumed the worst. Good luck in your future endeavers.

Well Carey it sounds like somewhere in the history of HPP an agreement was made to go cluster and not individual delivery. Unfortunately, once CMBs are established it's near impossible by postal regulations to get individual delivery. So the only issue is how to get more units installed.

The USPS seldom installs the boxes anymore. They originally did so because; well there wasn't anyone else who did it. Now there are a dozen major private companies that you pay to do this work. I suspect that the PO maintains the current boxes since it's their property.

You might want to find the original agreement for the current boxes with the USPS. It may say they are installing this group in lieu of residential deliver with future boxes the responsibility of the developer, HOA, or individual co-oping, or it may say they will install them as demand for units dictated. If they had agreed to install additional boxes as demand called for it, I would force the issue on them. But you must have a unified single voice working on this, working with your federal elected representatives. Hundreds of people going off in different directions, asking for different things, only slow things down.

HPP should build their own private post office. No more roadside boxes just rental boxes located in a safe building.

Another option.

You did factor in the cost of the land to build the private mail station, the taxes on that developed property each year, the cost of routine maintenance, electricity to provide lights, security cost, of course ADA compliance since it's a mail station?

If polled, what do you think the majority of the property owners will say who:
1. Already have cluster box service and are being asked to give it up, pay a new assessment to get what they already have, maybe have to drive further to get their mail, and could be responsible for regular ongoing maintenance cost?
2. Who don't have cluster boxes but can co-op with the others on the street to get them for a one-time fee and no yearly cost, and not have to drive further?
3. The property owners who will live around this mail station with its increase traffic at all hours of the day and night and potential increase noise and litter?
4. Those that prefer P.O. or PMB boxes and already are paying additional cost and have no desire to take on an additional startup cost and monthly cost that they don't plan on using?
5. Let's not forget those who are just sitting on the land (like my folks) and have nothing delivered there.

I think the first thing you’ll hear is a call for speed-bumps around the mail station and the streets leading to it, or is that another topic?

I was refering to how much the post office makes on p.o. boxes. Why should we have to pay extra to get our mail?

Yep, I don't get this situation myself. The post office doesn't have to pay an employee to deliver mail, nor do they have to pay for fuel and vehicle maintenance...

So, our only option is to FORCE us to get a box and pay for our own BOX + Gas and Maintenance to get mail that should be delivered like everyone else in the USA?

Something isn't clicking here ... Seems to me that if we all spent 25 bucks to hire an attorney at least we could all get FREE boxes if the post office refuses to deliver mail to residence homes or drop off point on street.

Contract Delivery Service

Petition for Change in Rural Delivery


Edited by - malolo on 06/29/2007 20:48:18
Bob, USPS is supposed to pay for everything associated with the Cluster Boxes according to an official document from USPS:
"Cluster box units provide unique advantages to Postal Service customers. The Postal Service bears the entire expense of purchasing, installing, and maintaining them. These lockable, watertight units provide far more security than regular mailboxes. Also, CBUs can be compatible with the aesthetic design of the community. We appreciate this opportunity to share additional information with you."

The Keaau postmaster is trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. The Congressman/Congresswoman should get involved.

It seems I remember is passed year of reading about the USPS suing a company that delivered US mail. It's a federal law evidently that gives them exclusive rights to deliver first class-type mail.
USPS does not deliver in Pahoa Village either. Mainstreet Pahoa Assoc. is trying to get that changed. In Pahoa Village the Post Office is obligated to provide a post office box free if they do not deliver.
Not many know that.
My 92 year old neighbor has been paying box fees for decades until I told her about the free box obligation.

We did a village petition last year of a couple hundred names and sent it in to Honolulu. The response was "so what?". I hope to take it up with our congress rep next.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Does anyone know what the situation is on the other islands? Are there more rural settings on Oahu that get delivery? Kauai/Maui?

Is there a local office (s) for the congressional reps? Getting the attention of those offices might be a good first step - even if just to alert them Puna means business on this.

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